lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

LarKC - Large Knowledge Collider - Semantic Technology.

2011-03-04 14:32:04 | music10

□ LarKC: The Large Knowledge Collider

>> http://www.larkc.eu/
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/larkc
>> http://blog-jp.saltlux.com/?p=19 (Saltlux: Core engine task for super large scale environment.)


The LARKC is the Europen biggest project with 4 million Euro budget for the period of 7 years and is a consortium project with the participation of Saltlux together with WHO, Siemens, CYCORP, UIBK, Univ. Sheffield and 7 other world renown academic and industrial organizations.

>> Enriching the current logic-based Semantic Web reasoning methods with methods from information retrieval, machine learning, information theory, databases, and probabilistic reasoning,

>> Employing cognitively inspired approaches and techniques such as spreading activation, focus of attention, reinforcement, habituation, relevance reasoning, and bounded rationality.

>> Building a distributed reasoning platform and realizing it both on a high-performance computing cluster and via “computing at home”.


□ Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space.

>> http://linkeddatabook.com/editions/1.0/ (HTML)
>> Morgan & Claypool publishers (PDF)

・How to Publish Linked Data on the Web? This is a great place to start. (Semanticweb.com)
There’s an important new book on the web. And by that, I mean it’s both on (meaning “about”) the web and as of March 1, 2011, it is also on (“exists within”) the web. That’s right ? it is freely available as HTML.


□ 過去2世紀に及ぶ遺伝子研究のタイムライン。ダーウィンから"UK10K Project"まで。これは教科書に載せるべき。/ "time-line of genetics research" http://ow.ly/1s7c2A (.png 3MB)

Richard Grant @F1000 has a great post about Wellcome Trust funding including a time-line of genetics research: http://bit.ly/hjmgzR

(The distribution of carbon isotopic compositions in nature, showing the enrichment of the light isotope 12C by autotrophic organisms)

□ Before RNA and After: 『分子進化における地球物理学的地球化学的制約』
Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints on Molecular Evolution.

>> http://rna.cshl.edu/content/free/chapters/01_rna_world_2nd.pdf?

This chapter offers a description of some of the physical and chemical set- tings for the origin of life on Earth. Considering the topic of this book, particular attention is given to the conditions for a precursor RNA World; an ab initio system based on phosphate-sugar backbone structures in lin- ear polymers and currently with nitrogen bases as recognition molecules. Both the appeal and the uncertainties in the assumption of an RNA World are obvious.

these limitations retain the concept of an RNA World as a metaphor in the company of all current theories of the origin of life. This metaphor has, however, several redeeming geophysical and geo- chemical qualities that may be regarded as strengthening the case for an RNA World as an early phase in the emergence of life on Earth in the earliest Archean (i.e., before 3800 Ma; Ma = 1 × 106 years).

□ Amazon Web Services 東京リージョン(Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region)リリース!

>> http://aws.typepad.com/aws_japan/
>> http://bit.ly/eQ4OPp

ほとんどの場合において日本のお客様は数ミリ秒という低いレイテンシーで新しい東京リージョンをご利用いただけます。 東京リージョンはシンガポールに次ぐアジアパシフィックでは2番目、全世界では5番目のAWSのクラウドの拠点となります。


□ tweet storage.

□ ペテンは宗教に、宗教は科学に、科学は摂理に成りたがる。

naturejapan: 長寿命の量子状態: http://nature.asia/f3Rzow


□ "Mechanisms of Evolution," and offers as seven "key concepts" A preview of Principles of Life | NCSE http://t.co/JIGEdeC


CrystEngComm: 特定波長光下で星雲のように煌めくハイブリッドシリカ結晶(Sio2-coated CdTe NCs)ナノワイヤー
Feb crystal clear: Luminescent nanofibres that look like outer space nebula http://bit.ly/hDpFAE #nanotechnology


□ 大量絶滅はもう始まっている?: http://t.co/jEn0Ndp (nature)

Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?:

RichardDevine: CERNの大型ハドロン衝突型加速器(LHC)とリンクしたサウンドアプリ。
Download the Large Hadron Sound Collider App free here (mac): http://bit.ly/g56uij


□ Axiis: http://bit.ly/BvmJn an open source data visualization framework

□ アメリカで血液難病を抱える6歳の少年の骨髄移植の為に、DNAシーケシングが初めて保険の適用対象に / The first case of an insurance co agreeing to pay for DNA sequencing. http://ow.ly/46vDH

Worthey is hoping that eventually the hospital will be able to do sequencing in house. She also hopes that newer technologies, such as Pacific Biosciences machine, might allow geneticists to look at longer stretches of DNA.

New PubMed Health! Consumer health info: diseases/conditions/injuries, drugs/supplements/treatments & healthy living. http://bit.ly/hoqrBC

PHGFoundation: 胚性幹細胞研究に関して、フランスの生命倫理法案はリベラルな方針。
French bioethics bill sets more liberal tone http://bit.ly/gjIOfB

(andscape of development: The four main germ layers in which cells develop are divided by ‘tectonic plates’. )

Cell replacement therapies: iPS or transdifferentiation? Leave your comments on this EuroStemCell commentary: http://bit.ly/dZVgsO


plantbiology: ストリゴラクトンによるヒメツリガネゴケの分岐制御と信号の検出。
Development 'Strigolactones regulate protonema branching & act as a quorum sensing-like signal in Physcomitrella' http://ow.ly/4710E

GenomeResearch: Discovery and annotation of small proteins using genomics, proteomics, and computational approaches. http://bit.ly/hagCjY

rnomics: Fabrice Leclerc
Range of NGS Applications Rises Quickly: By Vicki Glaser ? Genetic... http://bit.ly/fDJa05 #Information #next_gen_sequencing #ngs

A creamy bake stable non-sweet intermediate moisture filling is waiting to be found http://www.hypios.com/problems/view/id/107

Stellar wormholes may exist: Tunnels through spacetime would connect pairs of stars http://bit.ly/hyYz3K

ecs_news: 英国サウサンプトン大学、自学の研究成果等のデータを公開
University of Southampton pioneers #opendata with launch of new linked open data site - http://bit.ly/g8MLrB

bonohu: 崖っぷちのボニョ
「今では、さまざまなバイオ情報資源で Web APIが用意されるようになったが、ワークショップなので『どのようなWeb APIがあるのか分からない』と言われることが多い。そこで Wiki サイト CookBook」 / メインページ -… http://htn.to/4yHWNT

「辞書やオントロジーを活用して、通常のサーチエンジンに比べて、精度よくメソッドを検索できるサービスを公開した」 / バイオ基幹情報資源の高準化と共用化 横断検索 http://htn.to/j91z31

Geospiza, NuGen to Co-market Next-gen Sequencing Workflow Products: read more http://bit.ly/gJ80KY

#Diagnostic and Prognostic #Biomarker Database Launched http://bit.ly/fKq7HF

genomicslawyer: Dan Vorhaus
SH describing story of Sciona, HGC public consultation on DTC genetic testing (see: http://bit.ly/eOVKf7) #FDADTC

This Week in PLoS Medicine: Economic growth in India; Predictions from translational trials http://bit.ly/glQDet

"Making movies" My take on the FDA-23andMe-Congressional Hearings contretemps. http://bit.ly/dOyi22

□ 「DTCモデルの支持者は、医療患者は自身の病気に影響を及ぼすことなく、彼らの遺伝的自己を解明する権利があると主張している」/ FDA vs DTC genetics http://t.co/wSEJ5JM

shwu: Shirley Wu
All this concern for consumers -- has anyone thought to ask consumers themselves? re: "Consumers not ready for DTC" #FDADTC

□ すごい!顕微鏡で捉えた細胞の光学撮像を3Dでキャプチャ。ヒトHeLa細胞がウネウネ動いてる\(//∇//)\ RT @LifeTechSelect: Living cells as you've never seen them before http://ow.ly/4aFCf

Australia Grants Fund 'Omics for Complex Diseases: read more http://bit.ly/h9HKNO

Direct angle-resolved measurements of collision dynamics with electronically excited molecules: NO(A2Σ+) + Ar http://bit.ly/h0aleB

The amazing neural crest - new post on Erin Campbell's image blog http://cot.ag/dV9mtX

Changing climate could make food more dangerous, add to the malnourishment of millions, & change what we eat http://bit.ly/g4iqLe

naturejapan: 量子レベルでのリンク: http://nature.asia/elKxHr


