書籍之海 漂流記


Imperium Revividum (帝国の復興)

2009年07月07日 | 抜き書き
Mark Mancall, China at the Center: 300 Years of Foreign Policy, The Free Press, New York, 1984. から。

 THE ESTABLISHMENT of the government of the Chinese People's Republic at Peking on October 1, 1949, in effect brought the Empire back into existence after the long chaos of the interrognum. The Chinese Communist state displayed all the characteristics of the Empire: a highly centralized, hierarchically organized bureaucracy with coherent view of the world; a socio-administrative structure into which all parts of the population fitted and which fitted all parts of the population; and an ideology that provided a basis for the conceptual unification of the entire society. The new Chinese state's ideology and vocabulary were not the same as those of the old dynastic state. But the structure and perceptions of relationships, the language, the imperative toward centralization and an ordering of the whole society, the primacy given to ideology--all those facets of a culture that change much more slowly than the events of history occur--once again found their natural refraction in the new Chinese Communist state. ('Imperium Revividum', p. 337. 太字は引用者)


「Obituary: Robert McNamara」 から

2009年07月07日 | 抜き書き
▲「BBC NEWS」14:00 GMT, Monday, 6 July 2009 15:00 UK. (部分)

 He worked with General Curtis LeMay on the firebombing of 67 Japanese cities that killed almost a million people, 100,000 on one night in wooden Tokyo.
 In The Fog of War, he agreed with LeMay's assertion that the pair "were behaving as war criminals" and would have been tried as such had their side lost.

「Vietnam war architect McNamara dies」 から

2009年07月07日 | 抜き書き
▲「」, Monday, July 06, 2009 18:01 Mecca time, 15:01 GMT, Agencies. (部分)

 "We of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations acted according to what we thought were the principles and traditions of our country," McNamara, then 78, told the Associated Press news agency in an interview in 1995.
 "But we were wrong. We were terribly wrong."



2009年07月07日 | 思考の断片
▲「Searchina 中国情報局」2009/07/07(火) 09:03、「中国社会科学院『世界ウルムチ会議の化けの皮が剥がれた』」 (全)

 許研究員は「2001 年の9・11テロ事件後、国際情勢の変化や中国の東トルキスタン・テロ勢力に対する取締りの強化にともない、中国内外の暴力テロ勢力の勢いは、ある程度弱まっていた。しかし、その一方で民族分裂分子のラビア・カーディルが率いる『世界ウイグル会議』は、『人権』と『平和』の旗印の下、国際社会の目を欺き、ウイグル自治区の独立を企んでいる」と語る。



2009年07月07日 | 思考の断片
▲「環球網」2009-07-07 08:12、「暴力事件策划人热比娅:一心想做另一个达赖」 (部分)

