書籍之海 漂流記


Clarifications on H.H. the Dalai Lama's Remarks

2008年10月29日 | 抜き書き
 昨日10月28日「Dalai Lama 'loses hope' for Tibet」から続く。

▲「The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama」Tuesday, 28 October, 2008.

 Since the Chinese Government has accused His Holiness of orchestrating these protests in Tibet, he called for a thorough investigation to examine these allegations, even offering access to Central Tibetan Administration files and records here in India. So far, this offer has not been taken up, but the situation in Tibet becomes graver by the day. Therefore, His Holiness said that it is difficult for him to continue to shoulder such a heavy responsibility when the present Chinese leadership does not seem to appreciate simple truth, reason and common sense. In the absence of any positive reciprocal response from the Chinese leadership, His Holiness feels that if he cannot help find a solution, he would rather not hinder it in any way. His Holiness feels he cannot afford to pretend that his persistent efforts to find a mutually satisfactory solution to the Tibetan problem are bearing fruit.

 →「南方报业网」2008-10-28 08:53:15(「南方都市报」)、「达赖放弃与中央谈判」