Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

親子3人で初めて公園 (First Play in Park with Daddy)

2020-07-10 11:44:50 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's everything going?

So the other day, Andy and I took May-chan to a park near our house during Andy's lunch break.

On the last article, I wrote that mom watched May-chan for a couple of hours at our house and in the meantime, Andy and I had a great time in a park nearby where pretty much no people were around.

So, when we're enjoying the great time in the park, we're saying, "We should come back here with May-chan next for sure."

So, we originally planned to go to the same park that we really liked on the next week or so, but we got some stuff to do and ended up cancelling the plan.

On this day, we went out just during Andy's lunch break and didn't have enough time to go to the park that Andy and I really liked the other day, so we went to the one only 5 mins away from our house instead. It was more likely a wide open space than a park though.

The open space was located by the trail that May-chan and I used to walk often when she was a baby.


最近のお散歩スタイル (Our recent walk style) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


最近のお散歩スタイル (Our recent walk style) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote about the train on the article above.

I used to take May-chan out to a couple of different parks near our house often so that I could put her in a swing last year, but I think that this time was the first time for Andy to play with May-chan in a park (an open space).

Again, it was just a wide open space but was very enough to make May-chan excited.

We brought the balls that May-chan usually plays with in our yard, but she seemed to enjoy them more.

Not only May-chan but also Andy and I enjoyed playing a catch with the mini foot ball too. (It was actually very fun for me too!)

As you can see it in the pictures above, there were no body around in the open space other than 3 of us, so we didn't have to worry about social distancing there at all, which was super easy too.

By the park, there was a dock spot, so we walked there to check it out too.

BTW, I loved how May-chan walks in the picture above. She holds her hands on her back and walks like a school principal or someone. Haha.

I guess that it was May-chan's first time to get close to a lake this much. She's super excited too!

She went back and forth on the dock to pursue her curiosity, which made it hard for daddy to keep holding her hand. Haha.

Andy had to go back to work, so we stayed there for only 20mins or so.

Still, May-chan loved playing there so much, and Andy and I had some refreshing time too.

Yeah, May-chan wanted to play more, so I let her play in our yard for a while after that.

Okay, this is all about how we enjoyed our first family time in a park. It was super fun to me too, so I'd definitely try to make more chances for our family to spend time in a park together like this.

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久しぶりに夫婦二人の時間 (Precious time with only 2 of us)

2020-07-08 12:35:52 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I talked about our father's day with Dad&Mom the other day.

This is about the day after Father's day, and Andy and I asked mom to watch May-chan for a couple of hours so that we could have some time just with 2 of us for the first time after 4 months or so.

We still concerned about the risk of COVID-19 even though the businesses were gradually reopening, so we went to a park near our house just to take a walk and hang around.

Andy looked up a couple of parks around our house and found a good one for us as usual.

We picked up a couple of drinks at a Caribou on the way to the park.

I hadn't been to a Caribou for a while and sadly I forgot most of the menu that I used to completely memorize when I worked there.
(Yeah, I'm sure that the memories you don't use often will be lost so quick. Haha)

Anyways, we got to the park!

I originally assumed that there would be a lot of people hanging around in the park since the Stay-at-home restrictions due to COVID-19 were gradually removed. Though, a happy surprise! We didn't see almost any people in the park at the time.

It was a big park and that's the one of the reasons why we didn't see many people in the park for sure, but we didn't see anybody walking on the trail at all.

Again, it was a happy surprise for me that there's no people there. I didn't have to worry about social distance or something and could be totally comfortable.

So, Andy and I enjoyed chatting about a lot of things during the walk.

As I was walking, my body was telling me, "Hey, you haven't walked at all for a long time, have you??" LOL

After we took a walk on the trail for 10mins or so, we sat down at the table in the picnic area and had some reading time.

Like this, there were some table and bench sets on the well maintained grass and thanks to that, we could have such a comfortable time there.

As you can see it in the picture above, there's nobody but us in the picnic area too.

Hit-chanはこの日大好きな藤沢周平さんの本を読みました。(飲み物はHot Crafted Press with Caramelにしました。美味しかった~!)
I brought one of my favorite authors, Shuhei Fujisawa's book. (My Caribou drink of the day was Hot Crafted Press with Caramel. Yummy!)

Andy was enjoying a book about meat which was a gift from our friends, Tom&Kat. LOL

Again, there's nobody but us around, so all we could hear was the tweet of birds.

May-chan always makes noises in our house, so Andy and I said, "So quiet!!" and enjoyed the precious time with 2 of us.

Again, it was the first time for us to spend time just with 2 of us after a long time, and both of us were so satisfied with the way that we utilized the limited time at the maximum.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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父の日のプレゼント、これにした訳。(Why I got this for Andy as a Father's day present)

2020-07-06 21:14:20 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, I wrote about our Father's day on the last couple of articles here and May-chan and I gave 3 presents to Andy.

He got stainless BBQ skewers for Yakitorri.

And a set of pizza stone, peel and cutter for homemade pizza.

Then, this handy coffee grinder.

Me personally, the coffee grinder was the main present among 3 of them.

It was a coffee grinder, but I got this so that Andy could use it as a spice grinder.

As you might already know this, but Andy is our grill man and often cooks delicious meal on his charcoal grill or smoker. His smokes ribs are super yummy!

He's especially passionate about smoking ribs and participates an annual rib cook-off hosted by his co-worker almost every year. He actually won the 1st place in 2013. Haha


リブコンテスト (Rib Cook-Off 2018) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


リブコンテスト (Rib Cook-Off 2018) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


でですね、リブを燻製する前日にリブラブ(Rib Rub)と呼ばれる、いわゆる色んなスパイスを混ぜたものをお肉にまぶしておくんです。
In general, when you smoke ribs, you put spice mix called rib rub on the meat on a day before or so.

Of course, you can find bunch of kinds of rib rub at a grocery store, but Andy makes his own rib rub by mixing several kinds of spices.

Andy usually cooks 1-2 racks of ribs at once.

1 rack is the one chunk of meat in this pic.

As you can see it in the picture above, 1 rack of ribs is pretty big which means that you need a certain amount of rib rub to put on it too.

When Andy makes his own rib rub, he always had a struggle in the process, which was grinding black pepper.

We usually use this type of pepper mill for cooking.

Though, when you want to grind a lot of peppers at once with this type of mill, it takes much time and energy.

A couple of years ago, Dad&Mom got this type of pepper grinder for Andy. It's an electric one.

A for the one that Dad&Mom got for Andy, if you tip it over, the inside cutter parts automatically rotates and then grinded pepper comes out.

It's super easy to grind pepper corns just by tipping it over, but the only drawback about it was taking forever to get a lot of pepper corns ground at once.

I also though about this type of grinder but a lot of people use it as a spice grinder as well. The structure is like a food processer, and it has a couple cutters spinning so fast and crush beans/peppers into very small pieces.

I once asked Andy, "Why don't you like this type of grinder? You can grind a lot of peppers at once so easily." Then, "Yeah, I have tried to use it once, but I didn't like it because the size of the pieces were so different. Some of them were smaller and others were bigger." answered Andy.

After I thought what would be the best way to grind a lot of pepper corns at once without taking much time and effort...,

I reached this type, a handy coffee grinder.

The structure is basically same as a general pepper grinder, but this one has a handle which makes it much easier to rotate the gear part.

It's supposed to grind coffee beans, so I considered that it should be easy to grind the amount of coffee beans for a cup of coffee with it, then why not? I also should be easy to do the same thing with pepper corns as well.

This type is compact enough to carry around like bringing it to hiking or something, and also you can adjust the grinding size from coarse to fine too. So, I thought that this type of grinder would be the perfect tool as a pepper mill that Andy had been looking for.

Still, I had no idea if Andy's going to really like it or nor since he's the one who would use it.

He actually tried it right away after he got it.

"This is awesome!!!"

said Andy. I was so relieved and super happy to hear that.

I don't know if this article would be helpful for somebody, but just in case there's someone who wants to grind a lot of pepper corns at once. LOL

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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父の日2020 後編 (Father's Day 2020)

2020-07-04 12:39:06 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

皆様、Happy 4th of July!!
Happy 4th of July, everyone!!

How's everyone doing?

Me? Well, the other day I slipped and fell down the stairs when I was going downstairs to do laundry. It was at the last couple of steps, but I hit my butt hard on the floor.

Andy heard the big noise and came out to check if I was okay. Yeah, I'm 36 years old now, but got tears because of the mental shock and the pain in my butt. Haha.
(Do you remember when you fell and cried last?)

My butt is still sore, but that's all and nothing serious about my body. So, don't worry about me. Though, I felt very pitiful about the fact that I fell and cried like a child at the age of 36.

Of course, my loving hubby gave me a big and warm hug to make me feel better.

Okay, without further ado, I want to share the rest of our Father's day.

After we gave a Father's day card and a Mother's day card from 3 of us (Andy, May-chan and me) to Dad&Mom, it's time to give Andy a couple of cards and presents from May-chan and me.

She's reading a card from me to Andy together with her daddy.

Okay now, it's really a present time!

The first one was stainless BBQ skewers.

I imported a box of genuine Bincho-tan (high-qualitied charcoal) from Japan some years ago and since then, Andy and I have talked, "Let's do Yakitori with the charcoal!!" So, pretty much to make my wish come true, I got them as a present for Andy.

The second one was a handy coffee grinder.

It's sold as a coffee grinder, but I bought this for Andy so that he could use it as a spice grinder.

As for the reason why I wanted to get this for Andy, I'd like to talk about it more on the next article here.

The last one was a set of pizza stone, cutter and peel.

To be honest, all I wanted was a pizza peel, but I ended up buying this one because the peel was the closest size to what I was looking for and looked well made. Plus, the price was more reasonable than other peels sold individually. Haha.

I'm glad to hear that Andy liked all 3 presents from May-chan and me.

After the present time, we put May-chan in bed and started special Father's dinner with Andy's special smoked pork.

Here's the special pork. I don't remember how long he smoke it though. (Maybe 8 hours?)

You might think that it's burnt, but it was just the surface rubbed with some spices. It turned so black since the spices got smoked for a long time and it's not bitter at all. The layer was rather more flavorful with the smoked spices.

ホークでホロホロに崩れるので、こんな感じに崩しました。これはPulled Porkって呼びます。
It was super tender and easy to be shreded with a fork. It's called "Pulled pork" in English.

Andy also opened a bottle of sparkling wine.

I made this pulled pork sandwich with my homemade coleslaw and BBQ sauce. It was super yummy!!!

Thank you for everything, Dad&Mom!

I actually asked Dad&Mom a couple of questions that I wanted ask them for a long time like, 'What did you guys think about me when you first met me?" or "What did you guys think when Andy said he wanted to marry me?" And it's very interesting for me to hear the story from their side.

Anyways, Andy seemed to have a great day too, which was all I wanted. (You can definitely tell that we've been in the quarantined life from our hair styles, can't you?)

Okay, this article got longer than I expected, but I'm happy that Andy had a nice day on his 2nd Father's day too!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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父の日2020 前編 (Father's Day 2020)

2020-07-02 12:48:48 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything in your life?

Andy, May-chan and I are now at Dad&Mom's rental place up north. We got here around 6pm yesterday and are going to have a 4th of July vacation about for a week here with our family.

Still, we're not planning to eat or go out like our usual vacation considering the risk of COVID-19, so we're going to just hang around the rental house and enjoy a calm and quiet family time together.

For May-chan and me, it's the first time to leave our house and be in a different environment after 4 months or so. I bet that it's going to be a great refreshing time for both of us for sure.

What I'm looking forward to doing on this vacation is that I'll have more free time than usual and write more blog articles than usual too!

I hear that Brad is joining us today, so I'll have everybody else to play with May-chan and in the meantime, I'd love to watch YouTube or write my blog without being interrupted. Hehe!

So, today I want to share the day that we celebrated Father's day.

On Father's day, we're going to celebrate it with Dad&Mom, so Andy got up early in the morning and started to smoke a chunk of pork for dinner.

Maybe, I was supposed to get up early and cook fancy breakfast for my loving hubby since it was Father's day, but Andy kindly told me, "I'm going to pick up May-chan tomorrow morning, so you can sleep in." So, I slept in as long as I wanted in Father's day morning. (Thank you, hon!)

Dad&Mom safely got here and May-chan was happy!

"I'll take some pics of you and May. Probably, you're always the one to hold a camera and don't have many pictures with her." said Mom. (Yup, she's the best!)

Whenever Dad&Mom are with us, I can be lazy about May-chan since they're always pleased to play with her.

Yeah, May-chan always uses her privilege of an only child. Haha.

Our original plan was that we would eat dinner together including May-chan, but it took more time for Andy to cook the big chunk of pork in the smoker. So, I decided to feed May-chan first and do a present time before she went to bed.

Cards first. As usual, May-chan handed out the cards to everyone. We gave mom a super belated Mother's day card from 3 of us too.

May-chan's showing the card with her foot print to Grandma.

Yup, she's showing her art work on the card to Grandpa too. Haha.

We hadn't got either Mother's day present for mom or Father's day present for Dad at the time, so all we gave them the cards that day.

Then, May-chan got a card and a couple of presents for her daddy too.

Though, I want to write about it on the next article. So, please stay tuned!!

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