Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

親子3人で初めて公園 (First Play in Park with Daddy)

2020-07-10 11:44:50 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's everything going?

So the other day, Andy and I took May-chan to a park near our house during Andy's lunch break.

On the last article, I wrote that mom watched May-chan for a couple of hours at our house and in the meantime, Andy and I had a great time in a park nearby where pretty much no people were around.

So, when we're enjoying the great time in the park, we're saying, "We should come back here with May-chan next for sure."

So, we originally planned to go to the same park that we really liked on the next week or so, but we got some stuff to do and ended up cancelling the plan.

On this day, we went out just during Andy's lunch break and didn't have enough time to go to the park that Andy and I really liked the other day, so we went to the one only 5 mins away from our house instead. It was more likely a wide open space than a park though.

The open space was located by the trail that May-chan and I used to walk often when she was a baby.


最近のお散歩スタイル (Our recent walk style) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


最近のお散歩スタイル (Our recent walk style) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote about the train on the article above.

I used to take May-chan out to a couple of different parks near our house often so that I could put her in a swing last year, but I think that this time was the first time for Andy to play with May-chan in a park (an open space).

Again, it was just a wide open space but was very enough to make May-chan excited.

We brought the balls that May-chan usually plays with in our yard, but she seemed to enjoy them more.

Not only May-chan but also Andy and I enjoyed playing a catch with the mini foot ball too. (It was actually very fun for me too!)

As you can see it in the pictures above, there were no body around in the open space other than 3 of us, so we didn't have to worry about social distancing there at all, which was super easy too.

By the park, there was a dock spot, so we walked there to check it out too.

BTW, I loved how May-chan walks in the picture above. She holds her hands on her back and walks like a school principal or someone. Haha.

I guess that it was May-chan's first time to get close to a lake this much. She's super excited too!

She went back and forth on the dock to pursue her curiosity, which made it hard for daddy to keep holding her hand. Haha.

Andy had to go back to work, so we stayed there for only 20mins or so.

Still, May-chan loved playing there so much, and Andy and I had some refreshing time too.

Yeah, May-chan wanted to play more, so I let her play in our yard for a while after that.

Okay, this is all about how we enjoyed our first family time in a park. It was super fun to me too, so I'd definitely try to make more chances for our family to spend time in a park together like this.

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