Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

父の日2020 前編 (Father's Day 2020)

2020-07-02 12:48:48 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything in your life?

Andy, May-chan and I are now at Dad&Mom's rental place up north. We got here around 6pm yesterday and are going to have a 4th of July vacation about for a week here with our family.

Still, we're not planning to eat or go out like our usual vacation considering the risk of COVID-19, so we're going to just hang around the rental house and enjoy a calm and quiet family time together.

For May-chan and me, it's the first time to leave our house and be in a different environment after 4 months or so. I bet that it's going to be a great refreshing time for both of us for sure.

What I'm looking forward to doing on this vacation is that I'll have more free time than usual and write more blog articles than usual too!

I hear that Brad is joining us today, so I'll have everybody else to play with May-chan and in the meantime, I'd love to watch YouTube or write my blog without being interrupted. Hehe!

So, today I want to share the day that we celebrated Father's day.

On Father's day, we're going to celebrate it with Dad&Mom, so Andy got up early in the morning and started to smoke a chunk of pork for dinner.

Maybe, I was supposed to get up early and cook fancy breakfast for my loving hubby since it was Father's day, but Andy kindly told me, "I'm going to pick up May-chan tomorrow morning, so you can sleep in." So, I slept in as long as I wanted in Father's day morning. (Thank you, hon!)

Dad&Mom safely got here and May-chan was happy!

"I'll take some pics of you and May. Probably, you're always the one to hold a camera and don't have many pictures with her." said Mom. (Yup, she's the best!)

Whenever Dad&Mom are with us, I can be lazy about May-chan since they're always pleased to play with her.

Yeah, May-chan always uses her privilege of an only child. Haha.

Our original plan was that we would eat dinner together including May-chan, but it took more time for Andy to cook the big chunk of pork in the smoker. So, I decided to feed May-chan first and do a present time before she went to bed.

Cards first. As usual, May-chan handed out the cards to everyone. We gave mom a super belated Mother's day card from 3 of us too.

May-chan's showing the card with her foot print to Grandma.

Yup, she's showing her art work on the card to Grandpa too. Haha.

We hadn't got either Mother's day present for mom or Father's day present for Dad at the time, so all we gave them the cards that day.

Then, May-chan got a card and a couple of presents for her daddy too.

Though, I want to write about it on the next article. So, please stay tuned!!

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