Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

補習校一年目終了 (The first year of Japanese school is finished)

2022-03-24 09:40:36 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, our lovely daughter, May-chan, started going to Japanese school from last April and had the last class of the school year on the 2nd Saturday of March.


日本語補習校に通い始めました。(Started going to a Japanese School) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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I don't know why, but I was thinking that the youngest class at Japanese school was from 3 year old, but for some reason, I found out that they had a class for 2 year-old kids which was applicable to May-chan in 2021 school year. (FYI, Japanese school year starts in April.)


めいの初運動会 (May-chan's First Sports Festival) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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In the first semester, all the classes were held online, which was very challenging for 2 year-old kids including May-chan. From the second semester, they opened in-person classes and May-chan enjoyed her first sports festival too!


補習校でもハロウィン (Halloween at Japanese School) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We had much fun with the Halloween even in the class too. In the chick costume, May-chan and I performed a chick dance on a stage together at the cultural festival too.
(Due to the school restriction, I can't share any pictures of the cultural festival. Dang!)


確実に成長しております。(She's becoming a big girl for sure!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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May-chan had been quarantined and not socialized at all for a long, long time before she started going to Japanese school, so she was very nervous and whiny in the class in the beginning of the school year. Though, as she spent more time with her sweet teacher and friends, she's come to be able to enjoy more activities in the class.

At the school, they recently had a fund sale and May-chan and I enjoyed shopping together there.

On March 12th, we had the last class.

Luckily, the last day was my turn to read a book in front of the class. I picked up one of May-chan's favorite books which I read for her every single night.
(The child sits next to the Mom who reads a book in front of the class, so May-chan sat down next to me too. I was very impressed by her sitting in front of the class without any trouble.)

She's very used to do the craft time and super focused too. The craft time in the class was always one of May-chan's favorite activity at school.

In the last class, we made a flour bouquet. One of my mom friends took this cute picture of May-chan and me. (Big thanks!)

When the kids moved from the classroom to the gym or cafeteria, they held a ring on the rope and walked together.

While they're walking together, we, parents, were supposed to go to the destination and wait for the kids there. Though, May-chan was still very clingy to Mommy and cries so hard once she lost me in her sight. For that reason, I walked and followed a little after the kids.

In fact, May-chan could walk with her kids without Mommy until a couple of classes before. Though, one day we had a meeting about the class next year and I left the classroom with other parents to see the 4 year-old class.

Then, May-chan realized that Mommy was not in the classroom and cried in a panic. The assistant teacher came and grabbed me back to the classroom, so I couldn't join the meeting at all. LOL

Once May-chan lost trust in me, "Is Mommy here? Isn't she gone again??" she became more cautious and skeptical.
(Oh well, trust is so hard to build up on the 2nd time once you lose it. Haha)

In the 4 year-old class from the next year, the kids and the parents are supposed to be completely separate. Though, I don't expect that May-chan can fit it right away and I'm going to be in the class with her for a while.

May-chan's still grown up at her pace. She couldn't join a game similar to "Red light or Green light" or play with a ball with her friends earlier in the school year, but she loved the gym time so much!

When they played "Red light or Green light", she ran screaming the loudest in the class. Her big smile always made me smile too.

This is from the snack time. We brought my homemade sweet red bean bun that day. She enjoyed and finished the whole bun.
(From the next school year, I'm not supposed to be with her during a snack time either, which makes me a little bit sad...)

After the snack time, we played with the big parachute which the kids really loved. May-chan was super excited too.

Since it was the last class, the teacher made some farewell time. It was super sweet of her that she gave a personalized card with a warm message and gift bag to each kid.

From the class, we gave the teachers flours, a personalized card and gift card too. They're so pleased with our farewell gifts too.

We took a picture together at last. Though, it's pretty much impossible to make 8 3year-olds face toward the camera at the same time. So, there's no picture of us looking at the camera. LOL
(As the picture shows, I had to take care of fussy May-chan at the time and that's why I was the only parent in the picture. Haha. I couldn't take any pictures for that reason, but again one of my mom friends kindly shared hers. Thanks!!)

"May-chan is probably the one who's grown up most in the class" May-chan's teacher gave me such a kind comment. To me, May-chan's still such a needy baby, but "Certainly, May-chan's come to be able to enjoy the class much better. the teacher's words reminded me of how much my daughter had learned in the last year.

The 2 year-old class was held only a couple of times a month, but the next-year class is going to be held every week and start in April. I'm also going to start volunteering at the school, so I think that both mother and daughter are going to have a busy school life together.

Not only for May-chan who had so many fun times with her friends but also I'm very grateful that I could make wonderful mom friends at Japanese school through the first year.

My parenting story has just started. May-chan's school life seems long from now, but also would be short at the same time. I hope that May-chan will have much fun and learn in her school life and also I do want to go through a lot of experiences and learn a lot together with her too.

Okay, this is all for today! We finished our first school year and didn't miss any class! Yay!

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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