Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの初運動会 (May-chan's First Sports Festival)

2021-10-19 08:33:37 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, the other day May-chan's Japanese school had a mini sport festival.

I heard that they usually do a big sport festival outdoor like the ones that school in Japan do, but due to COVID-19, we just did a very small version of the festival in the gym with smaller groups at a time.

和光小学校 運動会

For my American family and friends, sport festivals in Japan are very big event in a school life where a lot of the parents, grandparents or local people come and enjoy all sort of sports competitions like footraces or dance performances by the kids. I put the video above which is a real school festival at an elementary school in Japan.

So, May-chan's class did the festival together with 1-year-older class and it's only for 30 mins and 4 kinds of events.

My mom friend, Ume-chan, took some nice pictures of May-chan and me, so I'll use them here. This is when we're walking to the gym.

The parents in the 1-year-older class couldn't attend the event with their kids due to COVID-19, but we always assist our kids in the youngest class, so they let us attend the event with our kids too.
(This is when we did a footrace. May-chan recently learned to start dashing when she hears "Ready, Go!")

She started running when they said "Ready, Go!" at the time too, but once she noticed that Mommy didn't come after her, she made a U-turn and came back to the start line. LOL

So, we ran together.

This is when we're doing a footrace holding a ball. May-chan didn't understand the concept of the event, so she threw the ball when they gave her one. Haha.

This one was also a little bit hard for her to understand. One-foot-standing race, who can stand on one foot for the longest time wins. May-chan just raised one of her feet for a second and put it down. Hehe.

The last one was a footrace which you had to jump where the lines were on the floor. May-chan did a great job on this one.

You did an awesome job! She was a little bit overwhelmed by all the big boys and girls in the gym, but she did have a great time on her first sports festival.
(It was too chaotic to follow the points, but they said the team white (May-chan's team) won! Yay!)

The event was only for 30mins or so and we had a usual class after it.
(Each grade separately did the event on different times in the gym on the same day.)

We drew and...

enjoyed a picture-story show.

When I attended the event with the kids in 3 year-old class, "Wow! Just 1 year difference makes a big change!" I was very impressed how much things they could understand and did on their own.

They understood how they needed to do on the different events and ran very fast too! I was picturing an image of May-chan in the next year.

Again, you did a great job on your first sports festival! You really like running, so let's keep being active from now on!

Okay, this is all about May-chan's first sports festival at Japanese school.

Thank you for reading again! Bye for now!

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