Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

母、完全に舐められています。(I'm kind of looked down on by this little monster lately.)

2020-09-19 12:05:26 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, our daughter, May-chan, will turn 22 months at the end of this month.

I mentioned about this here the other day, but she finally learned how to escape from her crib on her own. Oh No!

Not only she can now escape from the crib but also she can go up in the crib by herself, which means that there's no space in our house to leave May-chan safely alone.
(Of course, right after I found out her first crib break, I tried to use our play pen or pack n' play for her time out, but she could escape from those quite easily as well. Sigh...)

I wrote about this before, but Andy and I have tried to practice Time-Out rules with May-chan so that we can teach her what she can do and what she's not supposed to do.


タイムアウト始めました。 (We started time-out rules) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


タイムアウト始めました。 (We started time-out rules) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I explained it on this article, but we give May-chan a Time-out when she doesn't listen to us or she slaps our face by putting her in her crib for a certain amount time like 5mins so that she can learn that she did something wrong.

Though, like I said first today, she's now capable of getting out of her crib on her own, which means that she can skip a Time-Out by escaping from her crib!

She pretends like nothing happened and opens the bedroom door saying, "Oh, Oh?" or something. (Dang!)

So, at this point, Andy and I don't have the ultimate method called Time-Out and can't do much other than making a scary face or saying "No!" in a loud voice even when she does something bad.

Even though she's only 22 months old, she's getting smart enough to notice, "Oh, Daddy&Mommy haven't given me Time-Outs lately!" So, even if I tell her "No!" as serious as I can, she seems like, "What, Mommy? Why are you looking so serious? You're not gonna give me a Time-Out anyways, right?" and doesn't listen to me at all. She even gives me a smug face sometimes. (How cheeky!!)

Both Andy and absolutely want to discipline her to be a decent person not spoil her, but fighting against her stubbornness or selfishness every single day exhausts us mentally and physically.

Doesn't it require you tons of energy to fight against something??

To be honest with you, it's much easier for me to let her do whatever she wants to do such us watching TV, eating food on the floor not at the table or holding her anytime she wants me to than tell her "No!" and make her learn that things sometimes don't go as she wants. Though, when I want to make her learn the lesson, I always have to deal with temper for a certain of time for sure.

We can't blame her for being so stubborn since Andy and I are both stubborn, but still May-chan is very insistent on what she wants.

It's really like that we do a battle of wills between mother and daughter every day.

Plus that, May-chan is still too young to perfectly understand what we say, so it's kind of hard to make a negotiation with her like, "This is the last time, okay?" or "Do you want to do this first before that?"

The only way that I can think of to change her mind at this point is that I lure her with treat like, "What about a cookie?" or "Do you wanna watch TV?" but that's the last thing that I want to try.

Anyways, Andy and I have lost the ultimate method to discipline our daughter well for some days, and it's very frustrating for me to let May-chan take the initiative.

I've lately been back and forth between the wish as her mother, "I want to discipline her well" and my own desire, "I want to take an easier way without fighting."

I already talked to Andy about this, and we're planning to clean and reorganize May-chan's room downstairs so that we can use the space for Time-Outs, but until it's ready, May-chan's probably going to stay in the lead in this parents vs child game.

If anybody who's experienced in parenting knows good tips for this problem like a better way to do Time-Out rules or something, I'd love to hear them.

I wrote this article a couple of days ago and started trying a compromised Time-Out method from yesterday since I didn't want my daughter to keep the initiative forever. What I tried is that I still put her in her crib whenever I want to give her a Time-Out even though she'd get out of there. Then, I check her more frequently and if she's trying to get out, I grab and put her back in her crib. This way actually worked better, and if I tell her "No, if you keep doing it, I'll give you a Time-Out." as counting numbers and then she listens to me and stops what she was doing. I don't know how long this way will last though. Haha.

Of course, she's purely cute sometimes. Haha.

Anyways, I feel like that I've been aging extra these days. LOL

Thank you for reading again! Bye for now!!

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