Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

車のメンテナンスなう (At Mercedes Dealership Now)

2024-09-17 10:48:02 | MN生活(15年目)(MN 2024-25)

Hello there!




How are you doing today? 




Just as the title says, I'm now at a Mercedes-benz dealership for some maintenance. 




You can't live without cars in MN and it's been about 13 years since I started driving here, but I've left everything related to cars to my husband, Andy. 



So, it's not usual for me to come to the dealership for maintenance or something by myself and this is the first time ever since when I once went to a Mazda dealership for my previous car's maintenance a long time ago. 



This is my first time to come to the Mercedes dealership for maintenance by myself, so I asked Andy to give me a note telling "What he wants them to check" and I just showed the note and talked to a service guy. 




I talked to the service guy about what they're going to do today and needed to sign on a paper telling how much it would cost for the service. Although, I'm not familiar at all with the average prices for those service and was a little bit overwhelmed by the numbers, so I made a phone call to Andy and "Is it okay to pay this much for these services?" I double-checked. LOL
(You know what, the price was way more than I just could sign to pay without Andy's confirmation.) 




Luckily, Andy answered my phone right away and said okay to the price, so I signed the paper and now I'm waiting in the customer's lounge.




I got this work booth, and am writing this blog. I knew it would take a couple of hours, so I brought my laptop here. 




As a blogger, I wanted to take pictures of their fancy coffee machine or catering display, but there was a gentleman in crisp suit in the work booth space, so I restrained myself not to disturb him. Haha. 
(This gentleman was so nice and friendly and said "Good morning!" to me with a handsome smile. I don't know why, but I feel this Mercedes dealership is full of happy energy.) 




To be honest with you, at this dealership I always get overwhelmed by the luxurious sense, but today the service guy is very kind and friendly, I can get a personal space in this work booth and Wi-fi connection is very good too, so overall I'm feeling very comfortable so far. 




I didn't eat breakfast at home in the morning, so I'll enjoy this muffin and a cup of coffee here. 



The muffin is like this. I just took a bite, but it's really good with a hint of orange flavor. 



Yeah, my day is going on like this today. I still need to kill a few hours more here, so I'm going to work on my blog since I've got lots of to write here anyways. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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