Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

キンダーガーテン初登校 (First Day of Kindergarten!)

2024-09-16 22:09:59 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hello folks!




How's your day going today? 




So, it's been 2 weeks since our loving daughter, May-chan, started going to Kindergarten on Sep. 3rd!




Kindergarten is the first year of mandatory education here in MN. 




May-chan went to preschool at the same location for 2 years and is familiar with the facility, but she goes there by school bus every morning. 




I always wanted to skip school for any reasons in my entire choldhood and Andy also skipped almost the half of the classes and barely graduated from high school, so I wonder why May-chan loves school so much. 




Since before her 1 day of schoo, "When can I get on a school bus?" May-chan often asked me and was looking forward to the big day. There's her shool bus stop only 3 mins walk away from our house, but on the 1st day of school, she got there 10 mins earlier than her bus arrival time. 




Cheese with dadyy!
(Andy actually had got a day off that day so that Andy and I could quietly enjoy the entire day just with 2 of us. Haha.)



I used to drive May-chan to 2 preschools and back home, so her taking a school bus has made my life super easy!



In the morning of the first day, not only May-chan but also Andy and I were thrilled and waiting for the bus. The bus delayed a little bit, but safely arrived.  



May-chan and I met the bus driver, Tonny, once on the day when we had a trial ride with him, but May-chan wasn't shy at all and "Hi!!" she joyfully greeted to him. 



After Andy and I saw May-chan getting on the bus, we had such a nice and quiet day togehter and I'm planning to talk about it on the next article. As for May-chan at school on the 1st day, we could get a couple of pics on App. 




They seemed to take pictures of every kid like this. 



I was worried about lunch a little bit, but she seemed to enjoy it for sure. 



Basically kids can get free lunch in MN and there are 2 options, hot or cold lunch. 
(They can bring lunch from home too.)



May-chan's teacher nicely gave us a warning, "The first day is going to be crazy at lunch time, so if you guys can talk to your child about which meal they'd like to get. that'd be very helpful." 




So, I was telling May-chan, "May-chan, you'd like chicken nuggets better, so you want to say hot lunch please, okay?" 




Honestly speaking, I had a little concern if May-chan would eat veggies at school lunch since she only eats specific kinds of veggies and doesn't eat fruits at all. So, I put some veggies she usually ate in a small container and said to her, "May-chan, Mommy put some veggies in a plastic container, so you want to eat them with chicken nuggets today, okay?" 




In all honesty, it was a totally experiment and I didn't expect that she would eat them and thought that it's a bonus if she ate it. So, it was not a surprise or disappointment when I checked her backpack and found the veggeies untouched there. LOL




"May-chan, didn't you eat the veggies?" I asked and then she said, "Yeah, because I didn't have time."




I totally understand that she didn't have much time for lunch, but I knew that she's not going to eat them even if she had time anywyas, so I stopped preparing her veggies from Day 2. Instead, I now serve veggies at breakfast before she leaves home.  LOL




Anyways, on the 1st day of school, Andy and I waited for her bus around 4 pm so that we could welcome our daughter together. 



I was wondering how she would be like after she spent the whole day at school for the first time. 



I'm not sure if you can feel it from the picture, but she stepped out of the bus with a big smile on her face. 




It's been 2 weeks since the 1st day and May-chan's teacher told us, "I call the 1st week a honeymoon week and from next week kids are going to work on more academic tasks. Some kids might have a hard time in the change, but I'll support them for sure." Thanks to a big support from all the teachers and staff at schoo, May-chan keeps enjoying her school life.



Following the change of May-chan's new life style, my life style has drastically changed too. It's so far so good to me. 




Both Englig and Japanese learning are going to be harder and harder as May-chan grows up, but I'm going to work hard on both with May-chan too.




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!




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