Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

早速洗礼を受けた蚊のシーズン (Mosquito Season)

2023-06-30 16:58:07 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How are you doing today?

Today, June 30th has 2 special meanings for me.

One of them is that my precious friend, Fuji-san's birthday. She actually gave me a big support in the last couple of my life in Japan and I still really appreciate that.

And the other one is that my anniversary for moving from Japan to MN.

So, when June 30th comes every year, I remind myself that how lucky I am to meet Fuji-san in my life and also take some time to look back the time from the day that I moved here to now. "Wow, I spent that much time here already!" I feel that way in recent years.

Today is the 13th anniversary. I don't have much confidence enough to say that I'm a reliable grown-up to be a good support for others here in the US, but I can tell that I've been able to do more things on my own than before. So, I do want to keep learning and practicing more things here to become a more reliable and responsible adult who I want to be from now on.

Here in MN, we're cherishing the beautiful season, which reminds me why rich people want to live in places like Arizona or Florida in winter and come back here in MN in summer.

Anyways, our loving daughter, May-chan, is now in summer break, so I took her to one of our favorite parks the other day.

The playground is made relatevily for older kids, but May-chan's now big enough to be able to climb up most of the things without any help.

小梅ちゃんとプレイデート、そして別れ (Play Date with Koume-chan and Goodbye) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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We used to play at this park often with Koume-chan who's May-chan first ever playdate and already moved back to Japan.

We took a bruch break with this super sweet muffin which we got on the way to the park.

After we played at the playground for a while, I suggested May-chan to go for a walk around.

湖に泳ぎに行ったよ。(We went to swim in the lake.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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BTW, May-chan swam in the lake at the park 3 years ago.

I didn't bring anything to let her swim in the lake that day, so "What if she says she wants to go in the water??" I was a little bit concerned, but she just said, "May-chan's fishing now!" with a short stick in her hand, which made me relieved.
(In all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of swimming , so I'll ask Andy to go in water with May-chan anyways. Haha)

久しぶりに大きな公園 (Big Park for the first time since last Spring) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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May-chan and I had fun with walking on the leaves in the fall a couple of years ago at the same park too.

I just remembered about the hidden path where May-chan and I enjoyed walking on the leaves, so I told May-chan, "Why don't we go down the path today??"

Though, I missed one very important thing about MN summer.

Yeah, it's mosquitos!! You run into mosquitos more than enough here in MN and people even make a joke saying mosquitoes are the state bird of MN.

I had planned to go to the park for the day, but I randomly got the idea about going down the hidden path at the park, so May-chan and I had put some sunscreen on us beforehand, but hadn't put any bug spray at all.

Yeah, just as you can easily imagine, I noticed that a bunch of mosquitos (like 8-9) were on my right ankle because I was in Capri pants and my ankles were completely exposed to the blood predators. I was freaked out and told May-chan, "May-chan, let's get out of here!!! Mosquitos are everywhere!!"

Luckily or not, it seems like that I am liked by mosquitoes in MN and they mostly bit me, not May-chan. We got out of the path shortly, but I got like 15 mosquito bites and May-chan got 3.

Besides that MN mosquitoes like my blood, I'm not tolerant with the allergen and always get a big allergy reaction to the bitten spots even though I've lived here for 13 years.
(I've never got such a big swollen reaction from mosquitoes in Japan and neither Andy or May-chan who was born and grew up in MN gets as bad reaction as I do from mosquitoes in MN.)

My right ankle got super swollen and itchy that day and it took about 4-5 days until the itchiness completely went away. (Grrr!)

Still, we had a great time at the park!

Yeah, I will make sure to put some bug spray and not even think about going down the hidden path next time we go to the park in summer. LOL

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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