Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

18ヶ月検診 (18months Check-up)

2020-08-13 12:34:47 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going today?

So, our loving daughter, May-chan, is now 20 months old and lives her life with full of energy everyday. Andy and I took her to her 18 month check-up in early July.

Well actually, May-chan was supposed to have her 18 month check-up around the end of May, not in July, but you know, due to COVID-19, Andy and I had wondered, "We don't want to unnecessarily take our daughter to any public place now. Though, what about her 18 month check-up? Do we still make an appointment?" for a while.

Before this pandemic, I usually got a reminder from the clinic saying, "It's time to make an appointment for X month check-up for your child." but I didn't get one this time for 18 month one.

After Andy and I left the question unsolved for a while as still wondering, "What should we do with the check-up? It's not an emergency or something though...", Andy finally made a call and asked them. Then, they said, "Children check-ups are still essential, so please make an appointment for your daughter."

That was clear, so we made an appointment right away.

It was 18 month check-up for May-chan, but she turned 19 months already at the point. LOL

We made an appointment for the earliest time of the day, at 8am. When we got to the parking lot, there's no cars there.

The entrance was still closed. May-chan was sort of excited by something different from usual.

The appointment was 8am, but the entrance door opened at 8am. Haha.

They had a counter at the entrance and checked if we had fever or something there. Also, we sanitized our hands at the counter. After the quick check for COVID-19, we reached the pediatrician room.

In the pediatrician room, they had footprint stickers on the floor to tell you keep the social distance.

May-chan was in a very good mood in the morning, but when her nurse came in and call her name, it clicked on her nerve switch and started her crying.

前回も体重や身長を測る時点で大泣きで大変だったんですが、今回もこの測定が結構大変でした。 とはいえ、今回はAndyっちがいてくれたので、前回よりも少しマシだった気がします。
On her previous check-up, her nurse and I had such a hard time to measure her height and weight, but this time was not as bad as the last time since Andy was there too.


15ヶ月検診とコロナの為の買い出し (15month Check-up & Shopping for quarantine) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


15ヶ月検診とコロナの為の買い出し (15month Check-up & Shopping for quarantine) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


This is about the previous check-up.

Here are the numbers of her body measurement.

18month check-up: Height 2ft 7inch(13th), Weight 22lb10.5oz(43rd), Head 17.172nch(14th), BMI 16.58(75th)

At birth: Height 19inch, Weight 5lb5.7oz, Head 12.5nch

Compared to her at birth, her weight had gained 4 times more, which let me know that she'd been growing well and made me happy.

I sometimes tried to weigh May-chan at home and found that she hadn't gained weight so much from her 15 month check-up, but her doctor said, "It's totally normal that kids don't gain weight as much as when they're newborn. They might not want to eat much, but it probably means they don't need to. So, you don't have to worry about it too much."

Luckily, May-chan eats pretty well and her BMI is higher than the average. So, I just hope that she'll keep eating and sleeping well just as she has been.

The meeting with May-chan's doctor went pretty smoothly too since we didn't have any major concerns or something.

May-chan was actually being calmer than the precious check-up and let her doctor check her ears or mouth very well too.

I actually had thought that May-chan wouldn't have to take any vaccine shots on this check-up, but I was wrong. There's one shot required.

Yeah, you can easily imagine what happened after the shot. Haha.

Daddy is always in charge of holding May-chan after vaccine shots.

I haven't talked about this, but the clinic often gives May-chan books on her check-ups.

These are the ones that we got from them so far, and May-chan loves a few of them and asks Andy or me to read them frequently.

Anyways, this is all about how we're done with May-chan's 18month check-up under Corona pandemic.

I'm very glad to hear that the doctor said May-chan's been growing great so far, and it made me feel that I was told, "You've been doing fine as her mother and keep on doing it!"

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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