Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の晩御飯メニュー 6 (Our dinner menus 6)

2021-12-04 12:51:21 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Okay, today I want to share another article about our dinner menu which is the 6th time in the series.

Andy and I got a lot of Japanese groceries at Mitsuwa (Japanese grocery store) during the trip to Chicago to renew my passport, so let me share a couple of things here today.

Here's the first one. This is the fancy and super expensive steak which made Andy hesitate to buy it.
(You can see that the price was crazy expensive in the pic.)

Before it'd lose the freshness, we cooked it on the day after we got back home from the trip.

Perfectly cooked to medium rare.

So, how did we like the perfectly cooked fancy steak? Yeah, to be honest with you, for us, middle-aged couple, our stomachs said, "Oh, it's yummy but we had enough. Thanks!" after we had 2-3 pieces. LOL
(This dinner reminded me of when Andy and I went to a very fancy Korean BBQ restaurant in Japan but couldn't eat that much of fatty meat there. And we ended up saying, "We can enjoy leaner meat more at our ages.")

Okay, this one is not for dinner, but I got this bread at the bakery shop in Mitsuwa.

Of course, I got it for this little girl. She's recently into this cartoon, so got so excited with the bread of the main character.

And this one is Kimchi that we also found at Mitsuwa.

Since I moved to MN, I'd tried some different brands of Kimchi from Asian grocery stores, but none of them satisfied my tongue. So, I'd never bought Kimchi in general for a long time.

Though, I finally found it!!! "This is what we're looking for!!" both Andy and I really loved it!

It's a Korean brand called, Jongga (Chongga) Kimchi, and the package said that it's been the best-selling brand almost for 26 years in South Korea.

A couple of brands that I'd tried before was made for vegetarian or vegan, so they didn't have one of the key ingredients of Kimchi, fermented shrimp. So, they're more like pickled veggies than Kimchi that I was familiar with.

Anyways, this one was pretty much same that I used to enjoy often in Japan. It's a great friend with rice!

Andy fell in love with the Kimchi and was saying, "I can keep eating this forever!" So, I even needed to give him a warning, "Hon, but this contains a lot of sodium, so you shouldn't eat too much." and he was super disappointed to hear the truth. LOL

We definitely get this brand's kimchi again and are planning to go check out a Korean grocery store in MN. If you know where to find this kimchi in MN, please let us know!!

Okay, the next dish was Saikyo-yaki (Kyoto-style grilled fish) which is a fish marinated with sweet white miso. We tried sablefish this time.

That was my first time to eat Saikyo-yaki every since I moved to MN 11 years ago. I got this from the online seafood shop that my friend, Ume-chan, introduced me, which's mentioned on the 5th article of this dinner series.

Look how delicious it looked! Well, it WAS delicious!

Andy tried Saikyo-yaki itself for the first time that day, but "I really like this!" he gave it a thumbs-up. So, I'd love to order it again when I make an order from the seafood shop next time.

This is also related to my friend, Ume-chan, but I marinated cucumber with salted rice malt and soy sauce rice malt which Ume-chan kindly had given me.

It's super easy and quick to make them and they're a such yummy side dish and make a great match with rice.

On this day, I used the soy sauce rice malt to marinate chicken. The lotus roots and sausages in the side dish were from Mitsuwa (Japanese grocery store).
(To me, the side dish was super luxurious.)

I'd made roasted chicken marinated with salted rice malt before. Both flavors were pretty good, but I thought that salted rice malt matched better with chicken. (Andy said the same.)

Okay, this one was curry.


日本2018 (Japan 2018, vol.39) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


日本2018 (Japan 2018, vol.39) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote about this on the article above, but my big brother is a master of curry and I believe that his curry is a restaurant level.

So, I've tried his recipe a couple of times before, but all his recipe says is the kinds of ingredient and there's no information about how much you need to use them.

He said, "I always put them as much as I feel it's good, so I don't know." LOL

Yeah, I usually don't measure ingredients when I cook, so for him, curry is something he makes just with his experienced sense.

The curry that I made this time actually turned out to be pretty good and even satisfied Andy who's not a huge fan of typical Japanese curry.

Plus, I wrote down everything that I put in the curry this time, so I can make the same flavor next time and even adjust it to whatever we like better.

At last let me share old-fashioned donuts that I made. I came up with making them out of the blue one day.

They didn't turn out to be what I had expected, and they're a little bit dry and too greasy to me.

Still, May-chan really loved the donuts and kept asking me to get her more. Though, when she asked me for the 3rd piece, I told her, "You had enough." Haha.

Okay, this is all for today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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