Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 日本帰国 2022/帰国準備 (1 Japan Trip 2022/What to do before the trip)

2022-06-19 08:26:17 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, I've been writing a lot in the series of articles called "Third Step" here, but Andy and I changed our minds doing an IVF from scratch in MN to doing it in Japan with our frozen embryos there.

Due to the pandemic, we needed to do a couple of extra things ready to go to Japan as of May 2022.

One was that Andy needed to get a visa.

In a normal situation, the US and Japan have an agreement for visa exemption and Andy's usually allowed to stay in Japan up to for 90days without a visa.

Though, as of May 2022, the Japanese government regulated the number of visitors to the country due to the pandemic, so Andy needed to apply for a visa to enter the country.
(At the point, only people who were a spouse of a Japanese citizen or, for a few other reasons, were eligible to apply for the type of visa.)

So, I did some research about how to apply for the visa and mailed the application to the consulate of Japan in Chicago about a month before the departure date. Then, they mailed back Andy's passport with an approved visa on in a week or so. Phew, we cleared the first hurdle.

Then, we also had to prepare documentations telling that we're negative in a PCR test taken within 72 hours before the first flight departure time.

If you prefer a cheaper option, you could take a free test at a drug store like CVS or Walgreens, but from Andy's experience, we're worried if they're really going to get the result back in 48 hours and chose a local clinic telling that they're sure to get the result back in 24hours.
(Only for the test, it'd be fine for us to go take it 2 days before the departure date, but considering about the time to have them fill the specific forms (a template made by Japanese government), we went to take the test 3 days before the first flight.)

FYI, we used this clinic and they're really nice.

Again, technically speaking, you can use any format to show your test result as far as the necessary information are on it, but we thought that the format made by the government would be most trustable and least troublesome. So. we gave them the forms and had them fill them.
(The documents were okay in PFD files, so we asked the clinic to email us the filled forms after the test. )

BTW, I wrote this here on my blog, but exactly a week before the departure date, a big tree in our yard fell down because of the storm hitting us the night before. Due to the accident, we lost power and water at the same time and had to evacuate to a hotel for a couple of days.

竜巻が去った後。。。(After a Tornado passed...) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


ホテル生活 1日目(Hotel Life Day1) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


We had been really cautious not to get exposed to any risks of COVID-19 and self-quarantined about from 10 days before the departure date. May-chan and I skipped Japanese school and Andy worked from home too. Though, because of the unpredictable accident, our self-quarantine plan was messed up too.

Thankfully, we're all negative in the PCR test and they emailed us the filled forms in the next morning after we took the test.

Then, 2 days before the departure date, we installed a couple of Apps on our phones which Japanese government required all the visitors and uploaded all of our information such as passport numbers, vaccination records, PCR test results and etc...In a day or so, "Your documents are approved" they told us there's no problem with our documents on the app. Phew, we cleared the second hurdle!


Then, all we needed to do was checking in the flight the day before and then getting on the plane.
(For some reason, only I could check in the flight the day before online, but Andy and May-chan were told, "We need to check your documents at the counter." on the screen.)

Anyways, this is how we prepared things for this trip. Beside the extra documents due to the pandemic, we personally also needed to get some more documents ready too. I'll talk about it on the next article.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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