Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家のある平凡な土曜日 (How we spend one of the ordinary Saturdays)

2022-04-12 09:15:33 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Today I want to share about how my family spent one of the ordinary Saturdays the other day.

Again, we didn't do anything special that day and it's totally one of our usual weekends.

That Saturday, Andy wanted to cook something for dinner, so 3 of us (Andy, May-chan and I) went to a grocery store to get some stuff together.

I lately say this same thing over and over, but it feels super good when you see the blue sky and all the snow is gone.

We couldn't go shopping together almost at all during the pandemic, so it still felt very special for us to go to a grocery store together.

We stopped by a liquor store by the grocery store. I got a bottle of Sake for cooking and Andy got beer as usual.

Here inn MN, you can buy alcohol only at liquor stores, so you don't see alcohol at grocery stores or convenience store like Japan where you can buy alcohol pretty much everywhere.
(In the states, the rules of alcohol business differ by the states, so there are some states where you can buy alcohol more casually like in Japan.)

スーパーでは、夕食のメインディッシュになるお魚、Orange Roughyという種類をゲット。Orange Roughyというお魚は癖のない白身魚です。
At the grocery store, Andy bought a couple of Orange Roughy which is one of Andy's favorite fish.
(May-chan loves riding a cart at grocery stores recently, so she was in a good mood on the card during the sopping.)

It's around lunch time when we're shopping, so May-chan and I got donuts, one for each, and Andy got a salmon poke bowl for lunch.

The grocery store is the same chain as the one closest to our house, but it's bigger, so it was fun just to look around and check unfamiliar things there.

After we're back home, we had a lazy time until the dinner time. As Andy had planed, he became the chef of the night! Bon Appetite!

Orange Roughyのソテー?レモン、アンチョビ、イタリアンパセリ、ケイパーで作ったさっぱりソースをかけて。
Sauteed Orange Rough with special refreshing sauce made with lemon, anchovies, Italian parsley and capers.

Besides the tasty Orange Roughy, the garlic toast, Caesar salad and roasted zucchini were all delicious!!

Andy's a good cook and makes delicious food for the family sometimes too. He uses combinations of seasonings that I've never come up with, so I'm very grateful that I can enjoy something new and delicious!

Andy and I were planning to have a Colombo night (Watching Colombo together), but we both ran out of our energy by when Mey-chan went to bed and canceled the original plan. LOL
(It's a very typical thing in parenting, right?)

Anyways, this is how we spent an ordinary Saturday. We didn't do something special or eventful, but still had a great time together.

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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