Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

今年のツリーとライトアップ (Christmas Tree and Lights 2021)

2021-12-18 12:51:28 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How's your December going?

It'd been very warm winter here until today, but on the first weekend of December when I'm writing this, we finally got good amount of snow today!

Yup, this is it. This is what we call MN winter.

So, here in the US, everything's got into a Christmas (Holiday) mood once Thanksgiving was over.
(Year by year, it feels like that the commercial business starts getting into Holiday mood earlier and earlier. Some of them even start TV commercial for Christmas before Thanksgiving lately.)

In Japan we call December, "Shiwasu (the month to make masters run)", which means that December is a very busy month and even masters who are not supposed to run have to run to do their chores. So, I as an apprentice have been busy getting things ready for Christmas too.

This year our family's planning to get together on the 29th. We usually gather on Christmas day, so I'll have 4 extra days to be prepared this year. So, I guess it'll be a little bit less hectic than usual? (Yeah, if I say it and play too much, I'll end up having to rush more than usual.)

Anyways, we've also got into Christmas mood once Thanksgiving was over.

Like I shared this the other day, we went to hunt a tree on Black Friday, and after that, Andy did all the decoration on his own this year.
(I was going to help him, but May-chan was in such a whinny mood for some reason at the time and while I was taking care of her, Andy finished everything by himself.)

Yeah, it looks pretty! Oh BTW, we surrounded the tree with fences so that May-chan wouldn't reach some fragile ornaments or the water in the stand.

We're now in a Christmas mood, so why not? We played Disney's Christmas Carol that night.

May-chan also wore these Santa Clause pajamas too. She really enjoyed the show a lot.

We usually put Christmas lights up in the season and this year wasn't an exception either.
(Andy also did all the work for the lights on his own this year. Thanks!)

When I took this picture, we didn't have any snow on the ground. To me, it felt something missing for Christmas without snow, which means that I've lived in MN long enough, doesn't it? LOL

I took this picture today from a different angle. Yup, the reindeer and snowman look happier in the snow. Hehe.

Until last year, we put Santa Clause and Candy cane lights up on the railing in front of the house, but unfortunately a couple of them didn't get turned on last year.

We thought about fixing them, but were not sure if we could. Plus, we were too busy to take time to try and see, so decided to decorate the house without them this year.

This picture's from 3 years ago. The Santa and candy canes were beautifully bright back then.
(Yeah, this picture made me feel to put something up on the spot next year for sure.)

And on the front door is..,

the Christmas wreath.


1 手作りクリスマスリース (1 Handmade Christmas Wreaths) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


1 手作りクリスマスリース (1 Handmade Christmas Wreaths) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


May-chan and I handmade it last year. I hope we'll hang it on the door every year for a long, long time!

Okay, this is all how our house turned out to be in a Christmas version this year.

I bet that you guys will be busy getting things ready for the Holidays and new year, but please don't work too hard!

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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