Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4/4 パパママのお家にお泊り (At Dad&Mom's house 4/4)

2022-04-30 07:34:54 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay, this is the last article about the time we spent at Dad&Mom's cabin. I'll write the rest of the time that Andy and I spent just with us.

On the first day that we spent without May-chan, we just enjoyed being lazy and relaxed in the hotel room after dinner.

On the second day, Andy went to enjoy breakfast by himself at the same restaurant where we had dinner the night before.
(I stayed in the room because I wasn't hungry that morning and just wanted to be lazy again.)

While I was being lazy, I got a text from Andy saying, "I'm debating if I'd get a beer here too. What do you think?" so I replied, "Oh, go ahead. Take your time!"

I was being lazy until 2 pm and it's kind of too much. "Oh gosh, I gotta move my body!!" I couldn't help going out to take a walk. Plus that, I wanted to get some coffee beans at the grocery store since I had used up all the packages in the room. So, I suggested Andy to go walk to the grocery store near the hotel with me.

I don't remember when we took a walk together before that.

Any occasion can be special up to how you take it.

Yup, selfie! We hadn't taken a selfie for a while either.

It was still chilly out, but it's super nice and refreshing for both my mental and body to take some fresh air and do some exercise.

For dinner that day, we went to the same pizza shop where we ate with Dad&Mom on the first day.
(Honestly speaking, there's no restaurant around the area which makes me "I wanna eat here!" So, we always end up eating at same restaurants where we can get not-too-bad-food for not-too-bad-prices.)

Andy got a pizza again.

He ordered a medium one and small one.

I got a mini size pizza and...

初日も食べたカシュ―チキンサラダ。Up Northに来て唯一食べたいと思うのがこのサラダ。旨し。
the Cashew Chicken Salad again. This salad is the only food which stimulates my appetite up north. Good as usual.

We didn't do anything much, but cheers!

After the casual dinner, we went back to the hotel room and enjoyed being lazy and watching TV again. LOL

Again, this is not a super special occasion, but Cheese!

I got bored of just watching TV, so I suggested Andy to play poker and we actually enjoyed it a lot.

We ended up not using the hot tub that night again, but I still enjoyed a couple of bath times in the regular bathtub.

In the next morning, we checked out the hotel and headed back to Dad&Mom's house.

After May-chan spent 2nights without Daddy and Mommy for the first time, I was curious to see how she would react when we saw each other again.

The reality was not that dramatic. "Here's Mommy!" she was excited to see me for the first minute, but she was totally as usual after that. She's more into drawing than reuniting with Daddy and Mommy at the time. LOL

She was with her loving Grandpa&Grandma all the time for the 2 nights, so there's no problem for her being without Daddy&Mommy. Great to know that!

The forecast was saying that it'd snow in the afternoon, so we're going to leave the house around 11am.

Right before we left the house, we gave Dad a very belated Christmas present which we had missed to give him last Christmas.

If you've read my blog for a while, you would know this, but our family exchanges tons of presents at Christmas. So, it's not unusual for us to miss one or two presents every year. LOL

May-chan helped Grandpa to open it. It was a sketch book.

Thanks to Dad&Mom for watching May-chan, Andy and I could have such a wonderful lazy time just with us.

It was also a great experience for May-chan to spend a fun time without Daddy and Mommy.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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