Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

久しぶりに寝込んだよ (I was sick in bed after years. )

2020-09-03 12:30:27 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Me? Oh well, just as the title says, I was sick in bed for the first time in decades. Haha.

I've actually tried to update my blog every other day since the beginning of the year, but the continuous record sadly stopped due to my health condition.

I don't think it's entertaining to you, but I'll still share how I got sick after decades here today.

The beginning was Saturday, Aug. 26th. I started feeling uncomfortable with the inside of my nose and thought, "Oh, I might have got sinus infection."

Speaking of sinus infection, I hear that there are chronic and acute types, and my case was an acute type which develops from a cold or allergy and causes inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane. From the focus of the infection, you'll also have some different types of symptoms.

I personally don't have luck with my nose and ears condition since I was little, and I was even a regular of an otorhinology clinic to treat my allergic rhinitis or otitis media. So, I've had sinus infection some times in my life, and it was not something unfamiliar to me at all.

In my past experiences, when I started feeling light symptoms of sinus infection, I always did nasal rinse well or took an OTC allergy medicine and then I got better in a couple of days. So, when I started feeling uncomfortable with my nose this time, I thought, "Oh, I should take an allergy pill now." as usual and didn't take it serious at all.

The symptoms that I had at the early point were that I felt pinch of soreness in the back of my nose and got some little stinky yellowish mucus too.

So, like I said, I rinsed my nose very well and took an allergy medicine just as always.

Though, the symptoms didn't either go away or worse, and I spent another couple of days as taking an allergy medicine.

On Tuesday Aug.25th, I started feeling a chill around midnight and checked my temperature. Then, the thermometer said 100.8F!

Personally, my regular temperature is on the lower side, and I'd never run a fever. So, over 100F was absolutely unusual not fine to me!

At the point, the inflammation in my nose had been spread and worse and been causing pain in the back of my left side nose, the back of my left eye and also the left cheek.

When I starting feeling more sick, this question crossed my mind, "Wait a min, this is not Corona virus, is it?"

In the next morning, I told Andy about my condition right away, and then he immediately made an appointment with a doctor.

Even if I say an appointment with a doctor, under the COVID-19 pandemic, we could talk to the doctor on a video chat.

After the video meeting, the doctor told me, "I want you to take a COVID test so that we can rule you out. For the fever, you can take Tylenol and see for 10days."

So, Andy made an appointment for the COVID test on the same-day afternoon and took me to the clinic where they had a drive through test counter so that you could take the test without getting off your car. They said that the result would be in a couple of days.

To be honest with you, I was 99$ sure that I was sick from sinus infection, so I was thinking, "I wish I could get antibiotics." Though, they didn't know if I was positive to COVID-19 or not at the point, and I convinced myself that the doctor didn't want to prescribe antibiotics before he found out my COVID-19 test result.
(Antibiotics work on sinus infection very well but COVID-19.)

At the point, I was really sick. I could get up and move for a while after I took an allergy medicine and Tylenol, but every time the effect of medicine wore off, I had to lie down.

My honest feelings were telling me that it's too hard for me to survive for another 10 days in this condition, and Andy was thinking about the same thing. So, the next thing that he did for me was to apply for 27/7 virtual doctor.

In the service, you answer questions online and a doctor diagnose from the information you gave. If necessary, they'd call you and ask you more.

As the result, the doctor prescribed antibiotics and nasal spray. (Woo Hoo!)

In the early next morning, I also got the result of my COVID-19 test and it was negative. (Yeah, I thought it would be, but the guaranteed result still made me relieved.)

First in the morning, Andy took me to pick up the antibiotics and the nasal spray at Walgreens, and I started taking them right away.

I finally got antibiotics that I really wanted and was excited "Yay! I can get better with this finally!!" Though, it took some more time for me to get recovered from there too.

After I took the antibiotics for the 2nd time on the day, I started feeling exhausted and my face got swollen too. Literally, I couldn't stand still, and lay down in bed forever.

Again, Andy was so worried about me and then made a call to a nurse line. He talked to a nurse and made sure that the symptoms that I was having were not from the allergic reaction to antibiotics or something.

Then, he was told, "It usually needs some time for a body to get used to antibiotics and also the swollen face is probably from sinus infection, not the medicine." and she told Andy to wait and see a little bit more and call her back if something else happens.

The nurse also told Andy that Ibuprofen helps to reduce swelling. I already was running fever and feeling pain in the entire face at the point, so I started taking Advil with the antibiotics from then. Besides that, all I needed was hydration and rest, so I just did it.

On the next day, I felt somehow better and could get up and move around.

Actually, Andy was planning to celebrate Dad&Brad's birthdays at our house, and I fortunately joined the party too.
(Of course, if my COVID-19 test was positive, we were going to cancel it, but it was negative, so we decided to do it just as planned.)

I was still taking antibiotics and Advil, but I really enjoyed the special event with everybody that day.

Though, I guess that it was too early for me to have a party at the point, and I was stuck in bed pretty much all day long on the next day.

I don't know why, but the antibiotics made me so tired and want to lie down, so I actually got up for a few hours to take the medicine and spent over 20 hours in bed that day.

On the next day, I was still tired in the morning but felt better enough to take May-chan out in the yard in the afternoon.

2 days after, I'm writing this today. I'm pretty much back to normal from the morning. I'm still getting yellowing mucus, but don't have any pains in my face and don't get exhausted even after I take antibiotics.

I think I can say, "I'm recovered!"

Of course, I'll still need to take the antibiotics since the bacteria might survive if you didn't finish the dose that was prescribed. Other than that, I think I can go back to my normal life.

I started getting sinus infection on Aug. 22nd. I got a fever on the 25th.

I had a video chat with doctor and took a COVID-19 test on the 26th. The COVID test came back negative and Andy applied for the virtual doctor on the 28th.

I started taking antibiotics on the 29th and we had the birthday party on the 30th.

I was stuck in bed for 20 hours on the 31st. Finally, I started feeling better in the afternoon of September 1st and I'm writing this article on the 3rd.

As a result, I was sick almost for 2 weeks and completely relied on Andy for the entire time. He kindly said, "Hon, I'm here to take care of you." and arranged all the clinic appointments, watching the very wild May-chan as working from home and patiently waited and saw for me to get better. I can't describe how much I appreciate him.

Anyways, sinus infection made me get stuck in bed for the first time in decades.

The only reason I can think of why I got sick so bad this time.

I was actually in my period when I started feeling the light symptoms of sinus infection. So, I assume that my immune system was down or something.

Well, I wrote a lot here today, but this is all about me getting sick after ages.

I'll go back to my normal blog articles next!

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Unknown (mashu)
2020-09-04 12:23:36
Unknown (えいや)
2020-09-04 15:02:50
mashuさん (Hit-chan)
2020-09-05 03:07:51
えいやさん (Hit-chan)
2020-09-05 03:14:15

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