Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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Hit-chanが思う英語力向上方法・語彙力編 (My tips to improve your English/Vocab)

2020-08-29 12:00:48 | なるほど英語(English Trivia)

How's your day going?

Mine is going great as usual.

Okay, I want to talk about learning English today as the title says.

I live in MN for 10 years and still don't have confidence in my English level.

When I used to work at Caribou (A coffee shop), I put myself in a shower of English for more than 32hours a week, which trained my mouth and ears well. Though, my English brain has been waned so badly ever since I quit the job and started staying at home (Especially in the quarantined life). Haha.

I said that my English brain has been waned, but to be honest with you, I personally can't feel much difference in my English level between now and the time when I used to work at Caribou everyday.

Though, I was told, "Your English has been changed." by Andy one day after I quit the Caribou job, and I'm sure that he kindly and indirectly wanted to let me know that my English got worse. So, from that comment, I have to admit that there's a certain change in my English for English speakers to tell that it's getting rusty.

Actually, I was told the same thing by my friend, Kat, when I talked to her for the first time after I stayed in Japan for 4 months for IVF. Haha.

So today, I'd like to talk to you about what has changed and not in my English in the last 10 years since I started living in the US.

The reason why I told you that I personally didn't feel the change in my English level so much is because my vocabulary level has been pretty much same. I mean, the number of English words stored in my head hasn't been noticeably increased.

Of course, I've added a certain number of new English words to my brain dictionary since I started my new life in MN. Still, I'm 100% positive that there's a tremendous way ahead of me to understand what other English speakers say all the time. I'd say that I can understand 40-70% of stories in TV dramas or movies without English subtitles depending on the genres of them.

If they're casual love stories or something, I can understand them more easily since most of the lines are like daily conversations which are consisted with words that I already know. On the other hand, if they're medical or low-court dramas, I don't know most of the technical words.

Though, even if you don't know what technical words mean, you can still briefly catch up with the stories from the contexts or visual images.

It'd apply to the real life too. Unless people make conversations just with technical words, you could somehow understand what they're talking about from the contexts or gestures.

Oh well, that's actually one of the reasons to keep my vocabulary from improving, and I don't try hard to memorize new English words one after one in my real life.

Let me rephrase it. I sometimes get sense of crisis in my English and try to write down new words that I come across in my real life. But after all, if you don't practice those words, you'd never keep them in your head forever.

In my personal opinion, it's more important to increase what you output than what you input.

I assume that most of English learners have already heard about the same old tip, but I really think that it's one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary from my experience living here in the US for 10 years.

In other words, I think that it's more efficient to memorize new words by actually saying 1 word 10 times a day everyday in your real life than by writing 10 words down on a note everyday.
(Technically, writing is a way of outputting, but I personally believe that the easiest way to memorize new words is practice the word in real contexts in real life.)

When I look back at the days that I used to work at Caribou, I could keep the balance of inputting and outputting the best in my daily life.

Probably, I had 10, 20 or even 100 times more of conversations with others in daily-wise, which means that the number of words coming to my ears were in proportion to the number of conversations.

When you're in such a English shower everyday, you even don't have to try to memorize new words like, "I'm gonna learn more words!!" or something. You naturally hear 1-2 words which is frequently used by others, and those words start getting familiar to your ears and end up familiar enough to make you naturally start using them without any hesitation.

When I look back at the old days that I worked at Caribou again, I had much more chances to ran into scenes which let me naturally output new words that I just learned.

That totally makes sense to me. In the situation where you hear the word frequently, you can also find the chances to use the word often.

I used to talk to different co-workers and customers at Caribou everyday.

Now? Andy's only person who I talk everyday and the topics that we talk about are pretty much same.

Still, there's one way that I can naturally learn new words even in the quarantined life.

That's when I read English books to May-chan.

May-chan is recently into books and frequently asks me to read books to her.

Thankfully, her books now are very easy and simple, so there are no so many words that I don't know but some. As you know, I'm a lazy butt, but if I repeatedly read same books over and over to May-chan, I eventually reach a point which makes feel, "BTW, what does this word mean??" and look up a dictionary and then, "Oh, it means this and is used in a context like this!"

Since I started reading English books to May-chan, I learned some words to describe animals' names&cries or baby motions like "Baa", "Neigh", "Oink", "Squeal" and etc...

Anyways, I ended up writing a lot here but I wanted to say that I still have an inferiority complex about my English even after I live in the US for 10years and share a little tip to improve your vocabulary that I learned through living here.

Oh well, I should try harder to have more confidence in my English anyways.

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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私は・・・ (Kaoruちゃん)
2020-08-30 22:35:27
Kaoruちゃん (Hit-chan)
2020-08-31 00:42:40
言語って。そもそも流動的でその時代その時代で変化していくものやから、ある意味、ずっと同じように話していると最新の言葉とはズレていくのが普通なのかも。前に、奈良時代の人達がどんな風に話していたのかを研究してる人がいて、再現された音源聞いたけどめっちゃゆっくりで何言ってるか全くわからんかった。(笑) この先、もっと喋るスピードも速くなるんかもね。

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