Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近の動くめい 18-19ヶ月編 (May-chan's recent videos 18-19months)

2020-09-05 12:41:57 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Today I want to share more of May-chan's recent videos here.

まずは、めいの好きな絵本の一つに、「MOO, BAA, LALALA!」というものがあるんですが、Hit-chanも何回も読んでいるので内容を大体覚えて暗唱する事ができるようになりました。
First off, one of May-chan's favorite books is called "MOO, BAA, LALALA!" and I actually memorized the book since I read it to her over and over.

This is the book.

6/28/2020 Moo Baa Lalala in the yard(大好きな絵本をお庭で読んでみる)

This is when I was reading it to her without the book while we're having a snack time in the yard. May-chan also memorized the animals' cries and read it with me too. May-chan's most favorite part of the book is the last page, and I always whisper it because I want to see her laugh and giggle.

The next video was recorded at the same time with the first one, and it's when she's doing a Japanese version of "Pain, Pain, Go away!"

I've been using the magic word since May-chan was so little, but she didn't know what it meant first. Now, she loves the magic word and frequently asks me to say it for her once she happens to hit her body somewhere.

She was having the snack time in a very good mood that day too, but she fell and hit her leg on the wooden steps.

Her knee turned to be pink and looked painful, so I thought that it was the perfect timing to use the magic word for her.

6/28/2020 Pain pain Go away!(痛いの痛いの飛んでけ!!)

The magic word really works well. After I used it, she got her smile back!

As for the next video, May-chan actually owns a tons of stuffed animals and likes to play with them. Before May-chan was born, I got a big basket to put all the animals at Target.

May-chan shows much more affection to her animal friends recently, and she often gives them kisses and tries to put them to nap by putting a towel over them.

7/8/2020 Hiding in a basket(ぬいぐるみ入れに隠れる)

Actually, the big basket is also one of her favorite toys. She sometimes takes all the animals out of it and hides herself inside instead.

Speaking of her favorite plays, the next video is the most hyper one. Haha.

May-chan's loved to play with Daddy's hats since she was little, but now she loves to do a more hyper things with them.

7/10/2020 Love to spin and get dizzy(グルグル回って目を回すのが大好き)

She puts a Daddy's hat on her head and covers her eyes first. Then, she starts spinning around. She ends up going to wild and getting dizzy and bumping into everywhere. So, Andy and I say to her, "May-chan, stop it!" though she doesn't stop it but stays in a hyper mood and laughs it out.

At last, I assume that May-chan is very active and athletic, and she recently mastered summersault on her own.

Of course, it's not perfect like what a gymnast does, but I only helped her to roll over a couple of times before and then she can do it by herself.

7/25/2020 Summersault(でんぐり返りできます)

So, this was the first time that she did a summersault on her own. I was so surprised, but grabbed my camera and recorded it. She was so excited and did it for me so many times. Haha

Like these videos, thankfully I could record a lot of precious moments with May-chan from 19-20 months, and these are great growth records too.

As I spend everyday with her, she gives me tons of moment making me feel, "Oh, so cute!! I guess this is what I can see only now." Though, May-chan is a big fan of camera now and always wants to touch it when I try to capture those precious scenes, which makes it harder for me to record her cute moments.

Still, I'll try my best to record my daughter's growth in my camera!! Thanks for reading again!!!

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