Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2歳半検診 (2year-6month Check-up)

2021-06-09 07:45:14 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello everyday!

How's everything going in your life today?

So, thankfully our loving daughter, May-chan, turned 2 and a half years old at the end of May.

We're supposed to take her to a 24month check up around when she turned 2 years old, but she didn't have to get any vaccine shots in particular and the pandemic was going on as well, so we talked to the clinic and decided to wait and see to do her check-up for a while.

Then, the percentage of vaccinated people has been going up in MN, and Andy's fully vaccinated too. I also got my 1st shot at the point, and we decided to take May-chan in her 2 year-6month check-up the other day.

Needless to say, at the point when we had May-chan's check-up, we still needed to care about the protection from COVID-19 at the clinic and the appointment email said "Only 1 assistant on the appointment". Though, Andy said, "Let's go and ask if we both could go in with May-chan at the counter anyways." and thankfully they said "It's fine!"

To be honest with you, them letting both of us go in with May-chan was a life-saving permit for us. If only one of us had gone in, the entire check-up process would have been a disaster.
(The examination rooms are individually separated, so we only saw the nurse and doctor but nobody else.)

We'd filled out a questionnaire about May-chan's growth at home beforehand and brought it with us, but there's an additional form to fill at the clinic too.
(At this point, May-chan had no idea about what's going on there and even was a little thrilled to be an unusual place.)

Though, she got freaked out and cried so hard once the nurse entered the room for all the body measurement.

Both Andy and I worked together on taking her clothes off and barely put her in the scale (which was a bed type), but she kept crying and didn't stay still at all for measuring he height. So, Andy, the nurse and I, 3 adults, made a team to lay her on the bed and barely measured her height.
(Of course, I didn't have any chance to take pictures of the scene.)

Yeah, we finally and barely finished the hectic measurements and then waited for the doctor in the examination room again. Andy and I tried to do our best to calm her down in the meantime.

As you can see it on the picture, May-chan tried to run away from the doctor even in Daddy arms.

There's a process that she needed to inhale and exhale so that the doctor could check the sound of her lungs, but she was already crying hard, which was enough to let the doctor do her job anyways.

May-chan was still crying a little bit when the doctor checked inside of her mouth, but she was relatively calm when her ears were checked. Anyways, thanks to the doctor for distracting May-chan with her medical instrument or something, we finally could get all the procedures done.

Blessedly there was nothing to be worry about May-chan's health found.

BTW, here's the result of the hectic body measurements.

18month check-up: Height 2ft 11inch(41st), Weight 25lb10.5oz(16th), Head 18.75inch(37th), BMI 14.73(13th)

18month check-up: Height 2ft 7inch(13th), Weight 22lb10.5oz(43rd), Head 17.172nch(14th), BMI 16.58(75th)

At birth: Height 19inch, Weight 5lb5.7oz, Head 12.5nch

As for her height, I assume that it was not perfectly accurate since we measured it as May-chan still moving. Though, compared to her birth time, she's now almost twice taller and 5 times heavier.

The next check-up is for 3 years old, and the doctor said that they're going to do a hearing test and check her blood pressure too and recommended, "It'll help her get used to those tests if you practice beforehand like by putting a headphone on her head or wrapping something around her arm. So, Andy and I are going to do it for sure.

I have no idea how May-chan will do on the next 3 year-old check-up, but I hope she'll do a little better then than this time.

Okay, this is all about May-chan's 2year-6month check-up.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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