

16:03 from web
talk about/ father's sunset years// far autumn thunder #haiku #poetry
16:10 from web
the world now/ in a drop of the branch - /autumn rain #haiku #poetry
16:19 from web
state,/ people, and capitalism// the autumn sunset #haiku #poetry
16:30 from web
thank you both kindly for the retweet. @FullMoonBride_N @ThoseThr3Words It's already become late autumn over here without early one.
16:36 from web
thank you so much @amoz1939 for the kind retweets. :-)
19:18 from web
thank you @FullMoonPoet for the retweet.
23:04 from goo
蕪村の俳句(94) #goo_delfini2
23:16 from web
thank you so much @gliztz for many retweets and mentions. my theme of pictures is sky, clouds and water this year :-)
by delfini_ttm on Twitter
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