

00:01 from goo
蕪村の俳句(87) #goo_delfini2
09:18 from web
Thank you @kitty_revelry for the RT.
12:44 from web
walking/ under the autumn sky -/ breathing the blue #haiku #poetry
13:05 from web
a dragonfly/ floats against the autumn sky -/ the loneliness of the blue #haiku #poetry
13:12 from web
Thank you @blueinblue14 for the RTs.
13:16 from web
葉は散てふくら雀が木の枝に   鬼貫句選19(1769) #haiku #quote
13:17 from web
Thank you @amoz1939 for the RTs.
23:03 from web
Thanks @gennepher for the RT.
by delfini_ttm on Twitter
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