


2012年01月20日 | W.H.ホジスンと異界としての海




  A short but awful silence fell upon the lads on hearing the news concerning the cannon; then Larry's voice broke in again:-
  "They're sluing it 'round, muzzle this way" He tailed off into silence, staring. The others could make out no more than a vague muddle of moving shadows for'ard, under the lee of the fore deck- house.
  "Jumbo's rifle!" said Bullard, suddenly, and ran from his port into the darkness of the berth, groping where the weapon lay in beckets along the inside of Jumbo's bunk.
  Jumbo, who was in a sort of feverish sleep, groaned uneasily and gave a little cry of pain; for Bullard must have touched one of his wounds as he leant into the bunk. Then Bullard had the rifle, and was dodging round the table, back to his port, cocking the weapon as he went.
  He reached the port just as a general burst of frightened excla mations came from the others. A little flame had spurted out suddenly in the darkness on the port side of the deck.
  "Stop that!" shouted Larry, shrilly, out of his port; for the light was that of a match in the Bo'sun's hand, and was being extended to the primed touch-hole of the cannon. "Stop!" he shouted again, and in the same second there came the crack of the rook-rifle; for Bullard had aimed at the light, heedless as to whether his shot brought actual death to any among the attacking crowd or not. He realised that the war between them and orthodox authority had reached such a pitch of bitterness that the Captain and the Second Mate had really lost their heads for the time being, and would literally stick at nothing to have them at their mercy. As for the Bo'sun, the man was a brute, and capable of anything, so long as he was countenanced in his actions by those in charge.
  The crack of the light rifle was followed by a queer, half-gasping cry~ and the light went out on the instant.
  "We'll shoot again if you try to fire that gun!" Larry shouted, shrilly, out of his port. For'ard, to leeward of the other house, there was a curious, disagreeable gasping, and a quick sound of thudding on the deck, that came plainly to them in the succeeding moments of utter silence that followed the shot.
  Bullard whitened suddenly in the darkness as he realised what the sound meant; one of the men was lying on the deck, probably kicking the life Out there in the darkness by the side of the fore- house. Beyond the broken gasps and the queer drumming there was, as I have said, no sound from the group of men, away in the dark- ness at the back of the cannon.
  Then, abruptly, there came Captain Beeston's voice, mad with half-drunken rage: "Blow the young fiends to blazes!"
  There was the flash of another match in the darkness, followed by the sudden scampering for'ard of bare feet, as if some of the watch were running, in fear of another shot. Then, in the berth, the sharp click of the lock of the rifle and a frightened curse from Bullard. "It's empty! It's empty!" he cried, apprehension in his voice.
  In the same instant Kinniks fumbled the big, old fashioned horse- pistol into Larry's hand. Larry saw the flame of the march being shielded down to the dark, low bulk on the deck that he knew to be the cannon. He thrust the heavy weapon at arm's length through the open port and pulled the trigger. There was a burst of fire and a huge report, followed almost in the same moment of time by a great flash for'ard and a bang that seemed to shake the ship. With the report something roared over their heads with a vast whooping noise, and there was a crash far away aft and a hoarse screaming.
  "They've hit the man at the wheel!" shouted Kinniks, in a voice shrill with excitement and fright. "They've hit the man at the wheel!"
  For'ard, there was a riot of shouts of pain, curses, and the noise of a man actually crying, "0-hool O-hoo! 0-hool" and sobbing hoarsely, in a horrible fashion. In addition there was a constant noise of footsteps, as if somebody were running 'round and 'round in a circle.
  "Good heavens!" said Bullard, in the utter silence of the dark berth. "We've fixed them!" He broke off in a dumb blank. "They asked for it!
  "They asked for it! We had to do it to save ourselves!" Larry managed to get out. "Serve them right!" he added in a strange voice, trying to get his courage and nerves under control again. And therewith he broke down hopelessly into a dry sobbing; and curiously enough it was the somewhat nervous Kinniks who attempted to console him, and ease him of his sudden burden of dread responsibility, by preaching vehement justification aloud into the darkness of the berth.
  "Shut up, all of you," said Bullard, a little later. "It's done now and we had to do it. They're mad, and we're being forced to do horrible things to save ourselves. And, anyway, if anyone's killed I've done it with Jumbo's rifle. Those bb's that Larry fired wouldn't be so likely to kill. But they won't try anything more tonight. They've all gone for'ard into the fo'c'sle."
  They spent a time further, listening at the ports; but hearing nothing more, beyond the hum of voices coming vaguely aft from within the fo'c'sle, they shut and fastened both the ports and the iron doors that covered them. Then they lit the lamp, sat 'round the table, and talked. After a while, Harold Jones lit the little Rippingille and made some tea; and so, with tea and talk, they managed to get themselves back again into a more normal state.

"Prentices Mutiny"
Written by William Hope Hodgson
Translated by shigeyuki