豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-05-02 20:09:11 | Weblog




Tiger water melon
Fri. May 2 : cloudy occasionally rain
What is the thing which is spherical, black and green, and white and red? Japanese farmers are so eager to breed improvement that there are a various kinds of water melon such as seedless, small fruit, big fruit, pink flesh, yellow flesh, and more. OZs may have no delicacy. They prefer cheaper, tastier, and bigger ones. The biggest tiger water melon has 8kg but 4kg one is handy. If you cut along the long axis into two pieces, you can keep them in your refrigerator. OZs are not like Japanese who eat holding them in their both hands without cutting off the outer skin. You can never believe it is only $1 per kg but feel rather rich if you cut off the outer skin and use a knife and a fork to eat it.

It was a quarter price 7 years ago

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