lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Theories of Systems with Limited Information.

2011-10-01 14:58:52 | Science News

□ Caslav Bruker: Theories of Systems with Limited Information
 Content - Quantum Theory and Beyond.

>> http://www.fqxi.org/community/articles/display/157


Brukner and Zeilinger have analyzed how information can be stored in an entangled system. For example, it would take two bits of information to jointly encode entanglement into two particle spins, so that they are parallel to each other.

Once those two bits have been exhausted, there is no more storage space to encode extra spin information into either of the two entangled particles individually, says Brukner. As a result of this lack of extra encoded information, measuring the spin of one of the pair must yield a random value, while the spin of its partner will be immediately fixed, regardless of distance.

Quantum mechanics may be random because the Universe lacks the storage space for exact results: http://ow.ly/6DS65

#quantum #physics - Speed-of-light results under scrutiny at Cern -- goo.gl/injsk @quantum_tunnel @NJPhysics @FQXi @neiltyson


BioInfo: Nimblegen、イルミナ、アジレントのプラットフォームにおける、exome-seqとWGSのパフォーマンス比較
Performance comparison of exome DNA sequencing technologies #genomics #ngs ping.fm/Bn7K3

More from our exome sequencing special issue: how do Agilent and Roche NimbleGen capture kits compare? bit.ly/pLBtFH #genomics

Japan National Institute of Genetics examines Hadoop for DNA / Genome Sequencing (Sanger's Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) #Bioinformatics #genomics

日立と国立遺伝学研究所、ゲノムデータの処理へのHadoop適用を検証 - ニュース:ITpro nkbp.jp/oPF1zB #itprojp

Hadoopでゲノム解析データ処理環境、コスト5分の1に 日立: japan.zdnet.com/cio/case-study… #MIC #Storage
今回の検証では、日立エントリーブレードサーバ「HA8000-bd/BD10」でHadoopの特長であるスケールアウトに適した検証環境を構築し、ゲノム解析プログラムはSanger研究所開発の「Burrows-Wheeler Aligner(BWA)」を使用した。

Revolution speed stats on Hadoop clusters: R language teaches 'meaningful' math to elephants. Revolution Analytics, … http://reg.cx/1R0U



The De-Ubiquitinylating Enzyme, USP2, Is Associated with the Circadian Clockwork and Regulates Its Sensitivity to Light http://ow.ly/6Fjty

FDM: a graph-based statistical method to detect differential transcription using #RNA-seq data:... bit.ly/puf0To #lifesciences @MyEN

#NGx YY: Talking about SeqGene for RNA-seq and Exome with focus on protein coding and regulatory regions. bit.ly/pkQwBK

Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software http://gephi.org/

Reversing Aging Process Of Human Adult Stem Cells Possible http://ow.ly/6EZJ3 via @mnt_stemcell

mndoci: Deepak Singh
Slides from #awsgenomics slideshare.net/mndoci/high-pe… #HPC #AWS

mndoci: Deepak Singh
A complete framework for parameterizing and solving dynamic programs. https://bitbucket.org/stevejb/dpsolve/src by @stevejb (cc @jeffbarr ) #AWS

TriLinkBioTech: 宇宙活動中の遺伝子解析に向けた、無重力環境下でのPCR駆動テスト。
Zero-Gravity Sequencing: bit.ly/pj0Tfv

@23andMe doing Exome Sequencing for $999! That's crazy! And tempting... bit.ly/rmdOKc via @divabiotech

Personal Exome Sequencing だそうです。raw data of 50 million DNA bases at high quality (80X coverage) が貰えて $999 だとか。 / “Exo…” htn.to/nLPt4Q

Hamrag_Yatlerot: /etc/init.d/hamrag
The Human Proteome Folding project Publishes Paper in Genome Research: The Human Proteome Folding project resear... bit.ly/nJ6Kls

Biotec Pharmacon, ArcticZymes, Affymetrix Reach New Deal for Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase: read more bit.ly/ofWBKh

Geek Factor: the Genome Sequencing Cost Calculator @FlexGen BV flexgen.nl/index.php?cat=…

BioPortfolio News Join Us for a Live Tweetchat on the Future of RNAi With Guest John Maraganor... bit.ly/pJGubQ BioPortfolio News

New research in Geochemical Transactions: Geophysical monitoring and reactive transport modeling of... goo.gl/CZmff

Now browsing: "In the near future: genome sequencing for the masses | Code for Life" bit.ly/qSAQtD

@kaythaney Wrote this recently about proteomics data: blogs.openaccesscentral.com/blogs/gigablog… Currently issues with main raw data repository need resolving.

Persistence and Availability of Web Services in Computational Biology, Schultheis, et al, PLoS One. bit.ly/oCPd7A

New Correspondence from Tim Hubbard & Stephanie Dyke describing implementation of Sanger Institute data-sharing policy bit.ly/mZ5ddD
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute has a strong reputation for prepublication data sharing as a result of its policy of rapid release of genome sequence data and particularly through its contribution to the Human Genome Project.

The practicalities of broad data sharing remain largely uncharted, especially to cover the wide range of data types currently produced by genomic studies and to adequately address ethical issues.

This paper describes the processes and challenges involved in implementing a data sharing policy on an institute-wide scale. This includes questions of governance, practical aspects of applying principles to diverse experimental contexts, building enabling systems and infrastructure, incentives and collaborative issues.

GenomeWeb previews new Stanford spin-out, Personalis, w/ a focus on clinical interpretation of whole genomes: bit.ly/oPbmhp

FY 2012 Senate Defense Appropriations Bill: Science and Technology Programs #AIP_PRC http://ow.ly/6G5nr

OxfordJNLsJapan: オックスフォード大学の純古生物学者Martin Brasier教授が語る「細胞の隠れざる秘密について」。 oxford.ly/ouSdVK
Martin Brasier, Professor of Palaeobiology at the University of Oxford, talks about his forthcoming book 'Secret Chambers: The Hidden History of the Cell'.

Yukiko Yamashita won a MacArthur Fellowship - congratulations! Would anyone like to write a Node post about her work? fb.me/162LAPbLy

【医学】Alcohol & Alcoholism 誌より:会社の飲み会、どうしていつもより酔ってしまうか、心理学者が解説。 oxford.ly/njiIdT PR: bit.ly/r8PYIU
Conditioned Tolerance to the Effects of Alcohol on Inhibitory Control in Humans.
Research Explains Why People Get Drunk at the Office Party.
The implications for drinking in a real life situation are that if you have an alcoholic drink somewhere new, for example, at the office party or in some other environment that you don’t associate with alcohol you may experience more of these effects of disinhibition because you lack the conditioned compensatory response that you would experience in your usual drinking environment.

Thomson Reuter社が2011年のノーベル賞有力候補者24名を発表 science.thomsonreuters.com/nobel/

□ WolframAlphaは本当に飽きない。時間さえあれば弄ってる。企業情報なんかも株価やs相対パフォーマンス比較なんかを瞬時に計算してテンプレートで生成してくれるので便利もいいとこ。

いややっぱり WolfAlpha おもしろい。"mother's father's cousin's daughter" で検索すると家系図が表示されて、blood relationship fraction の計算してくれる。 goo.gl/6cguh

SOA organised with RDF - update bit.ly/o3r65d 1000のウェブサービスなどからなるSOA構築にRDFを導入した事例をMLで報告。固定的なオントロジーを持たなかったことが変化に対応できるメタデータにつながった、と

NCBI Imageがいつの間にか消えてグラフ検索系って無くなったのかと思ったけど,やっぱり他でも似たようなことやってる. iossifovlab.cshl.edu/figurome/

うわ~炎上しとる。。線虫とハエのSirt過剰発現で長寿との論文を否定する論文と反論する論文が同じ号のNatureに。LennyもLindaも良く知ってるから読みふけってしまった。 nature.com/news/2011/1109…

「天然のシロイヌナズナ18系統のゲノムの塩基配列解読、アセンブリ処理、注釈付け、並びにそれらのトランスクリプトームについて報告」 / “ Multiple reference genomes and transcriptomes…” htn.to/fY7tHS

【拡散希望】 10月13日(木)開催:玉川大学グローバルCOE特別ワークショップ「知能設計における普遍性と局所性 ~比較認知とロボットからのアプローチ~」 gcoe.tamagawa.ac.jp/jpn/event/new1…

IROS二日目.午前はPerceptual Learningのセッション聴講.確率ベース情報処理,マルチモーダル情報統合で,未知物体の把握制御がうまく扱えるようになりつつある.知能ロボットの未来に明るい兆しを感じるな.

mixiのログイン画面と見紛う RT @fun9tion: これは… RT @hideman2009: 新学術領域「青春脳」(通称),ホームページも青春な雰囲気! npsy.umin.jp/amsr/index.html

PAの矛盾を証明したという話、証明したと主張したのが大御所(Edward Nelson)なだけに、多少は波紋が広がっている様子(みなさん様子見モードのようですが)。 t.co/1W2OYRsB

