Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

煮物を一緒に楽しむ (A very Japaneasy dish, Nimono)

2020-11-08 14:40:33 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

Well, I guess that I don't have to tell this anymore here, but in my family, Andy is American, I'm Japanese and May-chan is half American & half Japanese. So, we see these 2 colors of the nationalities on our dinner table most of the time.

We like other things such as Tacos (Mexico), Korean BBQ(Korea), Fried rice(China) which were originally from other countries too, but we arrange them as we like, which means that they end up being either American-like or Japanese-like anyways.

So, here's a topic that I want to share with you today. Even when I cook Japanese food for my family, I tend to make certain kinds of dishes that Andy would like all the time.

What I often cook for us is Yakisoba (Fried noodles), Fried rice, Pot stickers, Chicken cutlets, Udon noodles, Buckwheat noodles, Tempura etc...

In fact, Andy's such an adventurous and curious person about food and always wants to challenge new flavors. He always loves sashimi and tried something new to him every time we went to Japan.

Though, I always make something that Andy would like whenever I cook new Japanese dishes to him just because I want him to enjoy the dish anyways.
(I pretty much can tell what he likes or not, so...)

Still, I was born and grew up in Japan. A 100% Japanese.

Andyっちから「それ、どんな料理」って聞かれた時に味を説明するのが難しいお料理、例えば煮物系「○○の煮物(炊いたん by 京都弁)」とかが無性に食べたくなる時があります。
So, I sometimes really crave for something very Japaneasy which are very difficult to describe the flavors in words such as "Nimono (Simmered dishes)".

The other day I luckily got Konjac and cooked it with chicken, carrots, Daikon radish, and hard boiled eggs.

This is just my guess, but Andy isn't a hugs fan of that type of dish.
(He might say, "I like it!" but he'd probably just take a bite or two, just chicken or eggs. Haha)

But, I have May-chan now!!!

She enjoys those dishes, what we call "The Japanese cuisine" and what I've enjoyed from my childhood, with me.

なので、今回は大豆好き(枝豆・納豆LOVE)のめいの為にTokyo Centralで手に入れた大豆も入れてみました。
This time I added some soy beans to the Nimono because May-chan is such a Edamame and Natto (Fermented soy beans) lover.

Like this. I cooked a little more from this point and the dish was well finished.

May-chan doesn't like veggies, and it was totally just as I expected that she took just a bite of the Daikon and the carrot in the dish and spit them out. Though, the Konjac and the soybeans were a big homerun!

She kept saying, "Yummy" while she was eating the Konjac and the soybeans. (What a happiness to me!)

Aww, I'm so happy, dear.

May-chan is still a picky eater (not too bad though) but I hope that she'll be able to like many more kinds of food and enjoy more of the deliciousness in homemade Japanese dishes together with me in the future.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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