Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

秋の終わりと冬の始まりの間 (Between the end of fall and the beginning of winter)

2020-11-10 13:14:09 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

You'd probably know this well if you've been reading my blog for a certain of time, but there's usually some time lag on my articles from the real time events in my life just because I'm too lazy to catch up with them on time. So, here's another article about a beautiful autumn day that May-chan and I had a couple of weeks ago. (In the real time, there's already snow everywhere here!)

This is either in about end of the middle of October or the beginning of the end of October. Yeah, sometime around then.

On this day, we got some light snow.

While it was still warm out, I took May-chan out to some parks often, but I'm such a freezy person and my motivation meter doesn't go up in winter as much as it does in other warm seasons. So, I mostly let her play in our yard since winter came here.

May-chan is a half Minnesotan, so doesn't mind the coldness at all. (She wants to keep playing outside if I let her do even if her hands and feet get so cold.)

The leaves on the ground got a thin layer of white snow on and made another beauty with the color combination.

It was still snowing while we were playing.

May-chan was so used to playing in the yard and walked around on her own.

The lower the temperature goes, the less time we can stay outside. Though, the coldness burns energy more efficiently instead, so I believe that I still can make May-chan burn certain amount of her energy even in a shorter time. (Yeah, I have to burn more of my energy as well. Haha.)

Right a couple of days after that day, we got a lot of snow, which changed the entire world to be winter from autumn all at once.

Now when I'm writing this article looking back at the pictures that I took that day, I'm feeling that it was kind of a very precious time that you can enjoy both of the beauties in autumn and winter at the same time.

I'm glad that I took some pictures that day.

Anyways, this is all about another outdoor play that May-chan and I enjoyed the other day.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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