Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 手作りクリスマスリース (1 Handmade Christmas Wreaths)

2021-01-08 08:50:25 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How's the start of the new year going in your life?

So, I wrote about our family Christmas 2020 on some articles here and shared a little bit of how it was that we exchanged millions of presents as well.

I actually remembered this when I was writing the article, but a couple of the millions presents were my handmade Christmas wreaths.

The project was pretty big to me, and I started working on it from more than 3 months before Christmas last year.

It was about September which was still warm enough for May-chan and me to go for a walk in parks and we saw a lot of pine cones or acorns on the ground then. When I saw those many pine cones and acorns, I wondered, "Can I do some craft with these??" and suddenly came up with this idea, "Oh, I kind of wanna make Christmas wreaths!"

There was actually a reason why I thought to make Christmas wreaths. Here's the story. We actually used to buy Christmas wreaths from a boy in neighborhood every year since he first came to our house to see Christmas wreaths through the Boy Scouts.

Yeah, I'd say time flies again, but the boy who was too young to knock our door without his dad for the first year became a young decent man to do the sales on his own some years later and then I assume that he graduated the annual Christmas wreath sales as well as high school a couple of years ago.

Anyways, back to last September, May-chan and I started the craft project by picking up pine cones and acorns at our favorite park like this.

Yeah, it was such a work, wasn't it?? Just kidding, it was very fun. Haha.

Then, I boiled the pine cones and acorns in a pot like this. (To prevent worms or bugs from coming out in Spring)

Then, I dried them in the yard.

I actually did the boiling procedure a couple of times on different days and met an unexpected incident one time. When I was going to check how much the acorns had gotten dry and opened the door to the yard, I saw that all the acorns were gone!! "Oh my gosh, all of my acorns disappeared!!"

Who did this to me??? Squirrels!!!!

I even didn't imagine it!!

When I first dried some pine cones and acorns, they're fine probably because the pine cones hid the little acorns. Though, I was drying acorns only at the time, so maybe I was unintentionally baiting them like, "Hey, there are some delicious acorns here!!" LOL

Yeah, it was too bad that squirrels took my acorns, but a part of me thought, "Oh well, they have to get ready for the harsh and cold winter, so it's kind of nice that I can give them COOKED yummy acorns."

So, when the pine cones got dry, it's time to paint! I did the fun time with May-chan.

We (mostly I) painted some with the Christmas colors, red, green and white and also I let May-chan paint some freely just as she liked.

I wanted them to be strong enough to be hung outdoor, so I coated them with clear lacquer.
(I always ask Andy what to use for a project like this, which I did this time too. He kindly went to a shop to get this for me too. Big Thanks!)

As for wreath bases, I purchased big ones with artificial pine needles for Dad&Mom and us since they're big.
(Dad&Mom's was about 22inches or so and ours was 18 inches.)

One for Brad was a little bit smaller than the other ones and it was about 12 inches and I bought the pine needles separately and put them on the base by hand.

Okay, this is going to be long and I want to end this here for today, but this is the beginning of how I tried to make the Christmas wreaths for the first time.

To be honest with you, I had no idea how to make Christmas wreaths on my own, so I did each process as researching online or asking a friend who's made one before.

Okay, how is the rest of my craft project going to be??? Stay tuned!!

Thank you for reading again!! See you soon!

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かおるちゃん (Hit-chan)
2021-01-10 02:37:36
Unknown (かおるちゃん)
2021-01-09 10:23:52

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