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日本製ラップケースに米製ラップの中身が入るか実験 (Experiment with the Japanese plastic wrap case)

2021-03-17 09:18:59 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How's your day going?

On the last article, I talked that I bought a Japanese brand plastic wrap case on Amazon Japan.

I mentioned this on the last article as well, but I usually buy Target brand's UP&UP plastic wrap. Though, as you keep using it, sometimes the paper box gets soften or the plastic cutter on the box comes off, which makes my life inconvenient.

So, I'd been thinking, "It'd be super nice if I can find a good plastic wrap case which fits American brand plastic wrap rolls." for a long time. Though, such a first world problem doesn't bother my entire lifestyle, so I just had let it go until last Christmas when I finally purchased this one.

こちら。山崎実業 マグネット ラップケース 30cm用 アクア レッド 3244
This is the one I bought.

The biggest concern that I had when I was considering to buy this was if this Japan-made case would be big enough for American brand plastic wrap rolls.

I did some research to solve my question, but I ended up reaching this conclusion, "I'd never know until I actually buy it." (Dang!) It's a big gambling, but even at the worst case scenario, I'd waste about $20 and plus, so I gave it a shot.

I got the package all over from Japan and did an experiment to see if the case would fit 2 different American brand wrap rolls.

The one I first tried with was this Target brand. (There are 2 lengths, 200sqft and 400sqft. I knew that the 400sqft was too think, so I tried with the 200scft.)

As the result, UP&UP 200scft was still too thick for the Japanese case. Though, the width was perfectly fit in.

So, the compromise that I made was that I used the wrap in the original paper case for a while and once the roll gets thin enough, I switched it in the case.

This is what it looks after I switched the case. It actually fits really good, and Andy also said, "I like it!"

And the next one that I tried with was this. You can buy them at Target as well.

The plastic material of Raynolds brand isn't bad at all, but the cutter is slide type which I don't like, so I don't buy them usually.

The width of this brand was too long for the case. It's 225sqft by the way.

So, it looked like this.

So, I cut the both ends with a knife and then...

it fits in well!

Though, the roll thickness was still too big!!!!

To be honest with you, Raynolds 225scft roll looked less thick to me first, so I thought that it could fit in the case if I cut the ends. but unfortunately it's still too thick.

Although, the width is fine after I cut the ends, so the Plan B is the same as with the one for Target brand. I used it in the original case and switch the cases once the roll gets thin enough.

These 2 brands were all I tried with the experiment, but there's another brand that I want to try.

Glad's Cling wrap 200sqft.

You can buy the brand at Target, but all I could find on Target website was 400scft ones and there's no way for those thick rolls to fit in the case.

Though, I found out that a local grocery store selling Glad brand's 200scft ones, so as soon as I get one from them, I want to do the same experiment with it.

Okay, this is all for about the experiment, if a Japan-made plastic wrap case would fit with American-brands plastic rolls.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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