Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ブラッド君のシークレットプロジェクト (Brad's Secret Project)

2020-07-12 12:06:43 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

Hit-chanは独立記念日の日にこれを書いているんですが、現在いつもバケーションで過ごすCross Lakeという町の近くに来ています。
I'm writing this article on the 4th of July and now staying in Cross lake area where our family usually spend vacation.

We're staying at Dad&Mom's rental place this time, and thanks to Andy for taking May-chan out to Dad&Mom's lot where their new cabin is being built, I could have some Me-time to watch YouTube or write my blog like this this morning.

So, this is about the last day of June, and we got a text from Brad, "My secret project is done, so I'll show it to you guys." so Andy, May-chan and I went to see it.

As for his secret project, I'd occasionally heard Andy say, "Obviously, Brad's been working on a secret project for a while.", so when I got the invitation text from Brad, I thought, "Oh, finally I can see it!"

The last day of June was super hot and humid. We and Dad&Mom gathered at Brad's house first and then drove 5 mins away from his house.

We got to the entrance which looked a little bit like jungle.

Then, we walked a little bit. Yeah, some of you guys would know what Brad was going to show us at this point. Haha.

Ta-da! This was the secret project!

He bought a used boat and worked on repairing it for 9 months or so with help from his friends.

May-chan was more excited to see geese than the boat. LOL

Captain Brad took Dad&Mom a quick cruise after this.

It was super hot and humid at that time and right about May-chan's nap time, and also we didn't have anything prepared for a cruise like a life jacket for May-chan, so we headed back home straight after the boat debut.

Here in MN, the state of 10,000 lakes, there are so many people who own a boat and enjoy a short summer on the lakes.

As for a spot to anchor a boat (like a parking spot for car), the city that Brad lives in owns some space and rents it out to the residents. You can register to put your name on the waiting list and be eligible to rent the spot when your name reaches the top of the list.

Though, it's extremely popular to rent the city's spot, and you have to wait some years to take your turn.

In Brad's case, he took 7 years to be eligible to rent the spot.

The reason why it's so popular to rent the city's spot is because the rent is way more reasonable compared to the prices at other private marinas.

Anyways, congratulations to Brad!!

I'm looking forward to going out to a cruise on his boat sometime!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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