Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

18 ひとり帰国日記/あきさんと再会 (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.18/Reunion with Aki)

2024-05-19 13:12:58 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello everyone!




How's everything going today? 




Okay, let me continue to talk about my Japan trip today. 




On February 9th around when the first half of my stay was over, I went to see my best friend, Aki. 




12 日本帰国 2022/あきさんへのプレゼント1日目(12 Japan Trip 2022/A Present For Aki Day1) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I visited her on the last return too. 



I hadn't announced my return to anybody other than my family, so I let her know that I was in town after I got settled down at my parents' house. 




It'd been a while since I took a bus alone last. 



Just as usual, Aki kindly came to pick me up at the station near her house. 



We directly headed to grab lunch from the station and I asked her to take me to this place. 


Yup, McDonald's.



Why McDonald's?? You might wonder, but they have stuff served only in Japan, so I always get cravings for those limited items every time I return to Japan. 




Reunion after 2 years!!! We talk on LINE (app) sometimes, but it's much better to be able to see her doing well in person. 




Aki ordered a seasonal burger since she had a coupon for it. I ordered Teriyaki Chickin Filet Sandwich which was Japan only. 




I was debating between the sandwich and Samurai burgers, but I'd tried a Samurai burger once before, so I chose the Teriyaki sandwich this time. How was it?? As you know, McDonald's is always yummy anywhere in the world. 




After the casual and yummy lunch, Aki took me to this lovely cafe in Nara. 





The exterior design was so cute. 





フランス菓子ガトー・ド・ボワ*GATEAU DES BOIS*:フランス「クープ ドュ モンド パティスリー」製菓ワールドカップグランプリ、ドイツ「メイトルド パティシエ世界選手権...



The main shop is in Saidaiji, but we went to their 2nd shop. 




I ordered their blend hot coffee. 



From their beautiful display case, I picked up this one. 



Aki got this one. 



The size was perfect to me. 




The interioe design of the shop was very fancy, but relaxing as well. It was not busy when we're at the shop, but Aki said they're so busy on weekends. 




The flavors of the cakes were very sophisticated too. Compared to very heavy and super sweet cakes in the US, they're very light and yummy. 




After the fancy tea time, Aki took me to school where her 2nd daughter, Nana-chan went and had a gym class that day. So, I enjoyed watching Nana-chan having fun in the gym class with Aki. 




Aki had told me, "I actually haven't let my girls know that you're coming because I thought it'd be a good surprise." So, I was kind of looking forward to seeing Nana-chan's reaction when she saw me, but she didn't look surprised at all. Her reaction made me worried and "Do you remember me??" I asked her. Then, she said, "Yes!!" which made me relieved. (Phew!) 



On the way to Aki's car from the gym class, she opened her heart to me and let me take a picture of us together like this. 



After that, we directly drove to Aki's oldest daughter, Sat-chan's school to pick her up. 



Aki had told Sat-chan, "I have a surprise for you after school today." in the morning, so Sat-chan already knew that something special was waiting for her. Still, she showed a big happpy face when she first found me, which made my day. 




At their house, we just had a calm and fun time together. 



Nana-chan showed me her handmade craft work, Momo-chan, which was a cute puppy. Sat-chan showed me her digital moving picutures which she made by a programming soft with a tablet supplied by her school. 




At the end of the fun reunion, we took a picture as always. 



It'd have been much more joyful and full of laughter if May-chan was there with Aki's girls, but in that case Aki and I wouldn't have been able to just sit and enjoy chatting. So, it was still really nice that Aki and I had some bestie time by ourselves for the frirst time in probably more than 10 years. 



We live very far from each other now, but I'd definitely want to visit her and her family as often as possible when I get chances. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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