Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.7 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 7)

2020-01-26 12:44:57 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello everyone!

How's your day going today?

Okay, this is vol.7 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

After our life rhythm was settled down at my parents' house, May-chan woke up, ate and played with my parents mostly at certain times in the morning.

I think that my dad held her like this pretty much everyday.

During our stay, my mom did all the laundry for everyone including us, and every time she went out to the balcony to hang the laundry, May-chan followed after and watched her doing the chore.

So, on September 17th, May-chan and I visited my big brother's family.

Their house's a little bit inconvenient to get to by train or bus, so I was originally going to get a taxi. Though, my brother kindly offerred me, "Oh, I'll come to pick you guys up!" So, I took the sweet offer.

It was actually a super nice day, and I found all the rice field pretty much ready for the harvest time.

I took this selfie while we're waiting for my brother to come to pick us up, but both May-chan's and my faces turned out to be terrible due to the wind and the sunlight.

There's one unexpected thing on the day. The city people were working on cutting weeds on the road, and it caused a big traffic jam and took 40mins for my brother to come to my parents' house. It's normally only 10min drive.

Okay, again, what's the biggest surprise was that how much May-chan's cousin, Fu-chan (2y7m), had grown up since the last time I saw her.

Like this, Fu-chan nicely played with May-chan first, but...

She got so jealous of May-chan when her Dad&Mom tried to play with May-chan since Fu-chan's an only child and usually got all the attention and love.

So, when her Dad held May-chan or something, Fu-chan suddenly turned to be so upset and started crying, and it happened a couple of times on the day. Haha

Of course, her Dad treated her like a princess and did all of her favors like setting the indoor slide or giving her a candy etc... Still, she was upset whenever her parents paied too much attention to May-chan.

What's funny and interesting to me was that Fu-chan said that she wanted to try to eat baby food when I was feeding May-chan.
(The Fu-chan's behavior recalled me that a lot of kids pretend to be like that when they have a younger sibling.)

お昼ご飯は料理上手な兄が作ってくれました。ちなみに、兄が絶品特製カレーをAndyっとHit-chanに振舞ってくれた時の記事はこちら。日本2018(Japan2018, vol.39)
For lunch, my brother cooked for me. He's actually a very good cook. FYI, here's the old article about when he made his delicious homemade curry for Andy and me. 日本2018(Japan2018, vol.39)

Ta-da! He made this beef bowl.

Without a lie, it was super delicious!

After the yammy lunch, he also made me a cup of coffee and served it with a candy. Yeah, it was a great hospitality.

Before Fu-chan got upset, my sister in law held May-chan too.

I just appreciate them for having a great time with me and my family every time I visit them.

He also drove us to my parents' house too, and it was so helpful to save my energy.

We can't see each other even once a year, but Fu-chan is an only cousin for May-chan around her age. So, I wish I can make as many chances for them to play together in person as possible from now on.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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