Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

家電ご臨終週間 (Pandemic Week in Our Home Appliances)

2020-12-16 10:11:32 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, I heard this in Japan very often, but don't you think that multiple home appliances in your house tend to get broken at the same time?

Yeah, that happened to us on the week of Andy's birthday. The microwave and dishwasher passed away on the same week, which made us extra busy unexpectedly that week.

The first victim was the dishwasher.

I started a cycle it just as usual one night, and then it started making a weird motor noise.

To be honest with you, the level of the noise was still not that loud to make me feel, "It's still usable, isn't it?" at the point, but "This is a motor issue. We definitely should stop using this because this might cause a fire." said Andy, who's smarter than I am. Yeah, it was a wise decision to follow, so we terminate the cycle at the point and decided to think about it on the next day since it was already late at night.

Then, on the next day, when I was prepping lunch for May-chan and tried to warm up a portion of frozen rice and pressed the start button on the microwave, big sparkle occurred in the top part where the electric stuff was located, not inside the microwave.

Needless to say, I hit the Stop button in a second, but it was really a short moment which even made me think, "Was it real??" So, I waited a while and tried it again, and then the same type of big sparkle occurred exactly in the same location. "Oh, my gosh, it's too dangerous!!" I never used the microwave from the time.

We actually happened to see sparkle occurring inside the microwave when we cooked Edamame beans or chopped carrots. Though, as far as I googled about it online, the minerals contained in the vegetables cause the sparkle in the microwave, but this time, the sparkle occurred outside the microwave, where the electric parts were located, so I could tell, "This is over." right away.

Just in case Andy might use it accidentally, I put a note saying, "Don't use! Sparkle issues!" on it.

Well, we actually had used both of the dishwater and the microwave for 8 years or so ever since we moved in this house.

Since then, we'd used the dishwasher twice a day on average and 3 times a day sometimes. As for the microwave, we'd used it more often everyday than the dishwasher for sure, so we thought that it was the time for them to end their jobs.

Although, Andy once considered to get a new motor for the dishwasher and replace the broken one by himself, but in this long quarantined life, a lot of people have been thinking about the same thing, "Make the quality of their home life better". and that's made a lot of DIY materials out of stock and more expensive. The situation applies to home appliances and it takes more time to get them delivered than usual.
(I hear that Dad&Mom have had the same issue for their new cabin projects.)

So, Andy and I discussed and decided to purchase new dishwasher and microwave at the same time though it'd hurt our wallet. Still, we'd rather do it than we would order a new motor and wait for it to get delivered, which we didn't know how long it would take. Plus, we even didn't know if the new motor would really fix the problem either.

Then, Andy researched some models online and made a phone contact with a shop to check if they really had them in stock or not so that we could choose something which's available to be shipped right away.
(Of course, it's a big shopping and we'd prefer to see the items in person at a shop, but we made sure to practice social distancing as much as possible and Andy did everything about the order via phone this time.)

If I remember correctly, the dishwasher busted on Monday and the microwave did on Tuesday. We placed the order on Wednesday or Thursday and the items would be delivered on Saturday.

Anyways, we're going to get the new dishwasher and microwave on Saturday, so Andy asked Brad to help him take the old ones off and put them out on the front patio.

Brad's always very kind to come and help us in such a situation, and I really appreciate him for it.

This was the spot where the dishwasher was. While Andy was working on detaching the old dishwasher, I was in charge of keeping May-chan away from the working spot.

Yup, here's the spot where the old microwave was.

On Friday, Andy and Brad safely carried the broken ones to the front patio and finished the job of the day.

By the way, besides those dishwasher and microwave, our snow blower got broken exact on the same week!!

Well, it's surely going to be a bigger shopping for it, so we're still thinking what we can do for it so far.

Even though, it's going to be snow here in MN anyways, so we might want to buy Dad&Mom's old snow blower for a reasonable price or temporarily borrow it until we figure out a solution.

Anyways, this story will be longer than I expected, so I want to end this here for today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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2020-12-17 13:49:13
おっちゃん! (Hit-chan)
2020-12-18 02:38:27

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