1 2012年頃から米国は二桁のインフレになる。
2 株・住宅価格が上がる。
3 金はさらに猛烈に上がる。マネタリーベースの増加から2400ドル、さらにオーバーシュートして4000ドルとなる。
4 ポールソンは自己の資産の8割を金建てにした。
As for the gold price, Paulson remains very bullish on the yellow metal, noting that the price of gold has been highly correlated to the monetary base for as long as his firm, Paulson & Co., has tracked the data. Given his expectation for further money printing by the Fed – and that in 1980 the gold price rose by 100% more than the correlation implied – Paulson noted that the price of gold could hit $2,400 based only on monetary expansion, and as high as $4,000 per ounce based on a projected overshoot.
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