


2009年04月07日 | 紫の雲




by M.P. Shiel


About three months ago--that is to say, toward the end of May of this year of 1900--the writer whose name appears on the title-page received as noteworthy a letter, and packet of papers, as it has been his lot to examine. They came from a very good friend of mine, whose name there is no reason that I should now conceal--Dr. Arthur Lister Browne, M.A. (Oxon.), F.R.C.P. It happened that for two years I had been spending most of my time in France, and as Browne had a Norfolk practice, I had not seen him during my visits to London. Moreover, though our friendship was of the most intimate kind, we were both atrocious correspondents: so that only two notes passed between us during those years.
Till, last May, there reached me the letter--and the packet--to which I refer. The packet consisted of four note-books, quite crowded throughout with those giddy shapes of Pitman's shorthand, whose ensemble so resembles startled swarms hovering in flighty poses on the wing. They were scribbled in pencil, with little distinction between thick and thin strokes, few vowels: so that their slow deciphering, I can assure the reader, has been no holiday. The letter also was pencilled in shorthand; and this letter, together with the second of the note-books which I have deciphered (it was marked 'III.'), I now publish.
[I must say, however, that in some five instances there will occur sentences rather crutched by my own guess-work; and in two instances the characters were so impossibly mystical, that I had to abandon the passage with a head-ache. But all this will be found immaterial to the general narrative.]
The following is Browne's letter:

'DEAR OLD SHIEL,--I have just been lying thinking of you, and wishing that you were here to give one a last squeeze of the hand before I--"go": for, by all appearance, "going" I am. Four days ago, I began to feel a soreness in the throat, and passing by old Johnson's surgery at Selbridge, went in and asked him to have a look at me. He muttered something about membranous laryngitis which made me smile, but by the time I reached home I was hoarse, and not smiling: before night I had dyspnoca and laryngeal stridor. I at once telegraphed to London for Morgan, and, between him and Johnson, they have been opening my trachea, and burning my inside with chromic acid and the galvanic cautery. The difficulty as to breathing has subsided, and it is wonderful how little I suffer: but I am much too old a hand not to know what's what: the bronchi are involved--too far involved--and as a matter of absolute fact, there isn't any hope. Morgan is still, I believe, fondly dwelling upon the possibility of adding me to his successful-tracheotomy statistics, but prognosis was always my strong point, and I say No. The very small consolation of my death will be the beating of a specialist in his own line. So we shall see.
'I have been arranging some of my affairs this morning, and remembered these notebooks. I intended letting you have them months ago, but my habit of putting things off, and the fact that the lady was alive from whom I took down the words, prevented me. Now she is dead, and as a literary man, and a student of life, you should be interested, if you can manage to read them. You may even find them valuable.




shigeyuki 訳


 三ヶ月ほど前――つまりは、1900年の三月の終り頃のこと――この本の表紙に署名のある著者は、注目すべき手紙と、何度も読み返したとおぼしき文書の束を受け取った。それは私の極めて親しい友人からのものだったが、名前を伏せておく必要もないだろう。アーサー・リスター・ブラウン博士は、オックスフォードの修士の称号を持つ、F.R.C.P. (訳注:Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians/ 王立内科医協会特別会員)である。たまたまこの二年間は、私は殆どの時間をフランスで過ごしており、それに対してブラウンはノーフォーク州で仕事をしていて、ロンドンを訪れた際にも彼に会う機会はないままだった。その上、私たちの絆はとても固かったから、互いに手紙の遣り取りさえほとんどすることもなかった。その二年間で私たちが手紙の遣り取りをしたのは、たった二度だけに過ぎなかったのだ。
 けれども、この三月にその一通の手紙と、それから私が引用する小包が届いた。その小包は四冊のノートブックから成っていて、中には大空を飛んでいた鳥の群れが驚いて右往左往している様子にも似たピットマンの速記(訳注:Pitman's shorthand/ ピットマンとは表音速記術を発明した英国人)の、眩暈のしそうな文字がぎっしりと並んでいた。それは鉛筆による殴り書きで、文字の抑揚に欠け、母音も少なかった。それゆえ判読には時間がかかり、私は読者に提供できる形にするために、休日を返上したのだった。手紙もやはり鉛筆で速記されていたが、この手紙は二番目のノートブック(それにはⅢと記されていた)を起こしたものと一緒に、これから私が世に出すつもりである。

"The Purple Cloud"
Written by M.P. Shiel
(M.P. シール)
Transrated by shigeyuki


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Mercedes)
2009-04-09 20:36:34
Mercedesさんへ (shigeyuki)
2009-04-09 23:06:21
