豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-01-16 20:22:24 | ケアンズ




Cheerful and simple OZ spirit
Fri. January

The precipitation was 800mm during 3 days, and the maximum wind speed was 20m. 1000 houses were flooded above floor level. The total amount of damage was $4M. Watered damage like in some country is none sense. Boughs of street trees were fell down and mud slides occurred. 2m high tide attacked and the sand on the beach was washed away. Also the roots of pine trees have been exposed. Local people work together to restore the damage after the storm. Nobody complains about it because it was natural disaster. City Council sends heavy machines for bigger damage. The recovery work goes on quite quietly. The true character appears during emergency. OZ’s temper is pretty different from that of Asian who makes fuss in disaster to sponge from the government.

OZ spirit
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2009-01-15 19:12:12 | 動物





Refugee kangaroo
Thu. January 15 : fine

It has been rainy on and off, but the amount of flood water has been decreased gradually in Cairns. There is no damage in our apartment since it is located on the hill. Kangaroos that had lost their dens have evacuated on the hill. Crocodiles and poisonous snakes also have approach to houses in the confusion. The most dangerous animal above all is the mosquito. Malaria and Dengue fever break out in tropical areas after flood. Chemicals aren’t used easily in Australia. The pools around the houses are drained by manual labor.


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2009-01-14 21:05:04 | ケアンズ

豪州では毎週木曜日に給料が支払われます。普段は5:00pm閉店の小売店も木曜は8:00pまで営業。OZは1週間分の食料や日用雑貨を買い込みます。しかし安いからと不要なものを買い込んだりしません。災害時に買いだめに走る風景は見かけません。買占めや買いだめが社会的悪事であることはこちらでは常識。多少の被害では大騒ぎはしないし、逆に堂々と欠勤できるのでうれしそう。洪水での買いだめはビールとワインだけ?(photo by Cairns Post)



Stocking up on
Wed. January 14 : fine

In Australia salary is paid on Thursday every week. Shops always close at 5:00pm but they are open until 8:00pm on Thursdays. OZs shop meals and daily commodities for one week. They never buy something unnecessary, even if they are reasonable. They never rush to shops to stock up on during natural disaster. It is common sense that buying up and stocking up are sin. They never make fuss in damages. By contraries they seem to feel happy because they can rightly be absent from work. Do they stock up on only beer and wine during flood? (photo by Cairns Post)

almost empty stocking-up-on shop

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2009-01-13 20:37:53 | ケアンズ

私は子供じゃないから洪水の真っ最中に遊んでいるわけではない。その証拠にゴムボートとヘルメットとライフ・ジャケットでフル装備。災害対策用品をこの機会に点検しているのじゃ。ヘルメットが割れていたり、ボートが沈んだりしたら大変なこっちゃ。ゴムボートもカヤックも水上アームチェアーも異常なし。だからワインをちょこっと飲んでいるだけ。(photo by Cairns Post)



No worries unless shortage of wine
Tue. January 13 : fine

As I am not a child I am not playing during the flood. As the evidence I’ve fully equipped myself with a life boat, a helmet, and a life jacket. I am just inspecting the emergency equipment taking advantage of this chance. If the helmet has a crack or the life boat sinks, it will cause a big problem. I have checked the life boat, the kayak, and the floating arm chair and confirmed everything was OK. So I am just drinking some wine.

cyclone party
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2009-01-12 20:33:06 | ケアンズ

日本の台風にあたるサイクロンがケアンズを直撃。強風、大雨、高波で全域に大きな被害が出ています。ハイウエイも冠水して生活物資の輸送にも支障が出ています。しかし自然災害は定期的にやって来るもの。OZは大騒ぎやパニックに陥りません。うろたえても事態を悪化させるだけ。何事も楽しまないといけません。こちらの家は水害に備えて高床式です。(photo by Cairns Post)



Cyclone is attacking
Mon. January 12 : wind and rain storm

A cyclone that is as same as Japanese typhoon is attacking Cairns. It devastated wide area by the strong wind, heavy rain and high tide. The transportation of daily commodities has become difficult by the flood of highways. We know that the natural disaster attacks periodically. OZs don’t run to fuss or panic. That will just make the matter worse. You have to enjoy everything in your life. Most houses here are high-floored to survive in the event of flood.

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2009-01-11 20:07:51 | 動物




Sun. January 11 : rain

You can easily see tridacnas that become 2m long and 200kg heavy on the shallow sea bed of reef. They have 5 pairs of wavy curvedness on their both shells, and brown algae in purple swelled lips to photonic synthesis as same as coral to get nutrition. Since people in Okinawa eat them as sashimi, they are on the verge of extinction. Piggy people pretend to being indifferent. I want to be a shell and keep silent like what it does. In order to dissolve the disparity non-working-rich (parachutist officers) must resign. They have to give young generation a good example.

sashimi of white butterfly shell

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2009-01-10 19:43:29 | 教養?




Story of strange men in medicine
Sat. January 10 : rain

When we were primary school pupils, the person we respected the most was overwhelmingly Dr. Hideyo Noguchi. He researched trachoma, syphilis, polio, rabies, and yellow fever, and was a nominee twice in Novel Prize. However, he had some bad habit of riot and debt, geisha parties, marriage fraud, career fraud and other defects of common sense. Osam Teduka was a doctor. In our school reading comics was strictly prohibited, being said they would lead us to corruption. The film of Guevara is premiering today in Japan. He was an army doctor in uprising troops commanded by Castro.

Motor Cycle Diary by Guevara
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2009-01-09 21:44:15 | 教養?




Bad books drive out good ones
Cloudy occasionally rain

There are no Japanese books at the bookstores in Cairns. I borrow 4 books twice a week from school arrangement offices or tour agents. Most books are donated from Japanese living in Australia and working holiday makers, therefore it is quite limited. Most of them are like essays written by some junior high school students with simple and bad sentences or lack substances. I think 90% of Japanese publications are waste of paper. I like something beautiful, joyful, and interesting. I find 1 or 2 books I get moved at the most among 35 books I read per month.

Cairns manucipal library

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2009-01-08 19:19:05 | 政治・経済




A banana and a bowl of soba noodle
Thu. January 8 : fine

What childish I was longing for in starvation and the cold just after the Second World War was to live in some tropical area and eat bananas every day. When I was a college student I kept transporting bananas and instant noodles to Vietnam Liberation Front. There was no oil for the heater or toilet paper during the era of oil shock. The story of “A bowl of soba noodle” moved many people to tears after bubble burst. Hokkaido and Tohoku districts are frost damage prone zones. World wide depression this time is nothing to compare with.

banana boat

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2009-01-07 19:35:40 | 住まい





1000 cranes from Vietnam
Wed. January 7 : fine

Those 3 panels of “full moon and 1000 cranes” have just arrived. I was completely feeling tired of waiting for them. The original design is 2 pairs of 6 folding screens painted by Matazo Kayama. As these panels are made in Vietnam imitating Chinese ones, they seem quite different from original ones. The austere elegance of original ones has changed louder and louder and the special structure, to graphic when they went down to the south. Yumi isn’t satisfied with them because they are not what she expected but I am interested in them because I’m familiar with East south Asian arts.

1000 cranes from China

original 1000 cranes from Japan

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2009-01-06 22:37:42 | 動物




Frog mouth
Tue. January 6 : fine

In spite of world-wide recession I will talk about some tough story that will fit New Year’s. I found an awl, the lucky bird at my terrace this morning. Actually, it was a fledging frog mouth. In Japan we say “No1 lucky thing is Mt Fuji, No2, eagle, No3, Mr. Obama” Frog mouths are related to eagles, moreover, they would bring us money. They have happy marriage lives, always being in pairs and eat insects, frogs, and lizards. This young guy must have come to my terrace to catch some geckos and failed to go home in the morning.

frog mouth

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2009-01-05 10:42:01 | 政治・経済





Riemann shock
Mon. January 5 : fine

The rate of stock decline last year is 30% in the US and Australia, 40% in Japan and EU, and 50% in Chine and Russia. The price of real estate, currency, and stocks always varies. Those who panic are politicians, capitalists, investors, and journalists. I receive the investment type pension in Australia, and I got deficit of 20%. Au dollar is falling 40% against yen. As I always use 2 different credit cards, Australian and Japanese ones, I can economize 40% of my household expense by higher yen. Even if Lehman or pimento disappeared, I don’t mind because I don’t like meat or fried dishes.

investment and savings

investment and venture

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2009-01-04 23:02:08 | 政治・経済




None-angry young men
Sun. January 4 : fine

According to the estimation from Cabinet Office in Japanese the generation under 30s will pay more than $1.5M of tax and insurance fee, regardless they receive less than $1M services. It is $0.5M over strain. On the other hand the generation over 60’s receives $0.5M over benefits. The difference is $1M. The policy of giving favorable treatment to younger people doesn’t gather votes, therefore the politicians and the officers pass the bills on to the future generations. Mass media also neglects it. Even though the income differences among generations have been becoming bigger and bigger, young generation doesn’t stand up to against it. I cannot understand it.

Japanese young generations

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2009-01-03 20:11:39 | 政治・経済




Conscience-stricken New Year’s first dream
Sat. January 3 : fine

Drinking New Year’s sake, Mr. Obama said “I have a fantastic idea about how to overcome the recession”. “I can’t trust you as you are a slick talker”. eating some sweet chestnut, Ms. Hilary answered. “It’s so easy. The answer is Quantitative relaxation. We just have to print out $1B new bills. Then we can save all Big 3 and banks, moreover, we can dissolve the budget deficit at once”. He stretched his arm to zoni. “Is it possible to do that?” She was considering which was better, some wine or a canned beer. “Yes , we can.” That’s his telling expression. (photo is HQ building of GM)
New Year’s first dream last year

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2009-01-02 19:20:32 | 政治・経済




New Year’s policy speech by irritating Prime Minister
Fri. January 2 : fine

I am sorry that there were lots of “smash down” companies by the recession of a” life-shame” last year. Hem. I am determined I will have meetings at luxurious hotel not “stamping” traditional pattern, at geisha house. The doctors’ lack of common sense should be deprived from none familiar to comics. Slip of the tongue? Ah, so anyway, I will look straight this severe circumstances, and I hope overcome the pressure of recession and dissolution by Japanese underlying power

slip of the tongue

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