豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-01-25 20:31:42 | 動物




Bat man VS spider man
Sun, January 25 : fine

“Obama Impact” seems to be in vain and share prices have depressed. Economy is the barometer of popularity, or love lasts as long as money endures. Honey moon never lasts so long. I saw a humming bird that was caught by the spider net when I traveled on west coast of US 9 years ago. The smallest humming birds are 2.5cm long and they can be caught and eaten by mantises. They live in both north and south of America. They don’t live in Australia but sun birds that mainly eat honey are also caught by the spider net. There are spiders that eat bats or snakes. Honey-eaters, middle size birds that drink sweet juice never be caught by the spider net.

sun bird

honey eater

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