豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-01-16 20:22:24 | ケアンズ




Cheerful and simple OZ spirit
Fri. January

The precipitation was 800mm during 3 days, and the maximum wind speed was 20m. 1000 houses were flooded above floor level. The total amount of damage was $4M. Watered damage like in some country is none sense. Boughs of street trees were fell down and mud slides occurred. 2m high tide attacked and the sand on the beach was washed away. Also the roots of pine trees have been exposed. Local people work together to restore the damage after the storm. Nobody complains about it because it was natural disaster. City Council sends heavy machines for bigger damage. The recovery work goes on quite quietly. The true character appears during emergency. OZ’s temper is pretty different from that of Asian who makes fuss in disaster to sponge from the government.

OZ spirit
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