豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-04-10 20:48:02 | 政治・経済




My mother was cheeky, forward, and rattlebrained. When she was the chief of women’s society in local town, the prize in a charity lottery, “local town election” was a soap which meant “red will be removed”. My father who always complained about her could find nothing to say then. Women need confidence. She was protecting our family when my 18-year-old sister killed herself, while my father was stunned reading Hannya-sinkyo and becoming weak and emaciated. Is it a man’s nature to become depressive because of adversity? The best way is to forget angst and agony quickly. My mother always went to bed whenever she had some unpleasant or annoying things. The cause of enjoying life and reliance upon others, women are strong. I feel it when I see Yumi. My optimism deprives from my mother.

frailty, your name is man

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