豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-04-23 21:03:53 | 政治・経済




Lucky country
Wed. April 23 : fine

As oil price has increased EU and the US has been becoming gloomy. On the other hand oil-producing counties have been holding massive foreign currency. Brazil has found the undersea oil field of the world biggest scale by chance. Also on April 21st after the discussion with the UN the biggest island country in the world, Australia, the raw material kingdom extended 2,500,000 km square of the continental shelf. Its dimension is 6.5 times larger as that of Japanese. The estimated amount of oil and natural gas is too immense to be shown in numbers. The rich becomes richer, the poor becomes poorer. Australia is rather being weird than being lucky. I hope it never becomes a deformed power.

happy country

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