日本経済が坂道を転落中の22日、超党派の役立たず国会議員62人が靖国神社に参拝。馬鹿の1つ覚え「何は無くとも愛国心」。そして本日、豪州首都キャンベラの汚輪ピック政火リレーでもチベット独立派の妨害デモと愛国的中国青年たちが衝突。ヤクザな興行師・IOCの心配をよそに明日のアンザック・デーのために大きなニュースにはなりません。明日は豪州の愛国心を高揚させる年間最大のイベント。愛国心は他国民への殺意の美化。(photo by SMH)
Olympic torch riley in Australia
Thu. April 24 : fine
On April 22 when Japanese economy was rolling down, 62 all-party useless MPs visited and worshiped Cheap County Shrine. They have the fool’s single idea, “nothing but patriotism”. Today Politic torch riley was held in Canberra, Australian capital city. Tibet independence group and Chinese patriot group crushed there. Although punky show manager, IOC worries about its bad influence, OZs were indifferent. It is because tomorrow is Anzac Day, the biggest event which enhances Australian patriotism. Anyway, patriotism is the beatification of the intention to kill foreign people.(photo by SMH)
tough gay, Yukio Mishima
日本経済が坂道を転落中の22日、超党派の役立たず国会議員62人が靖国神社に参拝。馬鹿の1つ覚え「何は無くとも愛国心」。そして本日、豪州首都キャンベラの汚輪ピック政火リレーでもチベット独立派の妨害デモと愛国的中国青年たちが衝突。ヤクザな興行師・IOCの心配をよそに明日のアンザック・デーのために大きなニュースにはなりません。明日は豪州の愛国心を高揚させる年間最大のイベント。愛国心は他国民への殺意の美化。(photo by SMH)
Olympic torch riley in Australia
Thu. April 24 : fine
On April 22 when Japanese economy was rolling down, 62 all-party useless MPs visited and worshiped Cheap County Shrine. They have the fool’s single idea, “nothing but patriotism”. Today Politic torch riley was held in Canberra, Australian capital city. Tibet independence group and Chinese patriot group crushed there. Although punky show manager, IOC worries about its bad influence, OZs were indifferent. It is because tomorrow is Anzac Day, the biggest event which enhances Australian patriotism. Anyway, patriotism is the beatification of the intention to kill foreign people.(photo by SMH)
tough gay, Yukio Mishima