豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-04-06 21:14:40 | 政治・経済


♪遊びに出て先生かへらず、ごり押しで 撃ち殺して食う親子の鯨:(♪遊びに出て子供かへらず、 取り出して 走らせて見る玩具の機関車)子連れ鯨が来た場合にはまず子鯨を捕獲すれば母鯨は逃げない習性を利用した日本独特の科学的捕鯨方法。(photo by Nichigo Press)



Poor toys
Sun. March 6 : fine

Although there are some Japanese politicians who work internationally recently, they are not welcomed at all in developed countries but in developing countries bringing nice souvenirs. Does politicians tripping abroad mean going abroad to enjoy using tax? Japanese people rather enjoy political issues. However, we would become rather unhappy if we handle diplomacy as toys. Is it acceptable to bash China hysterically with uncertain poisoned dumpling case, even though Japan cannot self-support their food? Does Japan have any future prospects of diplomatic strategy when they dare to kill whales, or what they call it is the science investigation, for the meat cannot be sold out? A lot of other countries have found Japanese typical guile complex exists at the very bottom of this issue. If you met mother-child whales you should catch the child firstly, then the mother would never ran away. That is Japanese scientific method of catching mother-child whales. (photo by Nichigo Press)

00731 is the number to kill
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