豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2007-02-02 18:59:59 | ケアンズ

QLD南部では旱魃の水不足で、来年からはリサイクル水を飲用にしないといけないとかですが、それは2000kmも南の話。東京から見ると台湾の出来事です。QLD北部は雨季で連日の雨。サイクロンもやって来てあちこちで洪水が発生。住人はワニや毒蛇に怯えて外出を控えていますが、僕はギプスをしているから大丈夫。(photo by Cairns Post)



Drought and flood
Fri. February 2 : cloudy after rain

It is said that due to the shortage of water caused by the drought, people will need to drink recycled water from next year in south QLD. That’s the story exists in 2000 km away in far south, just like we’re watching what’s happening in Taiwan from Tokyo. In reverse in north QLD there’s a long spell of rainy weather in this rainy season. Moreover, the cyclones have attacked, been causing floods here and there. The inhabitants are afraid of crocodiles and poisonous snakes but I don’t need to because I have my plaster on my leg.

countermeasures against flood in Neatherland

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