豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-09-29 19:36:45 | 日常生活




Electric saw
Mon. September 29 : fine

Australian houses are spacious but there isn’t much storage space. There are enough cabinets but not so many shelves in them. It is deprived of the difference of life style. OZs don’t buy small objects during trips or in their daily lives. They are not interested in witty gadgets or electronic devices. They keep the minimum amount of plates and utensils as they don’t cook complicated dishes. They also keep the minimum amount of clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories as they rarely dress up. So I install some shelves in the cabinets every time we move. The most useful tools for do-it-yourselfer are the electric saw and the electric drill.

electric drill

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