豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-09-12 20:04:18 | 政治・経済




Stock or deposit?
Fri. September 12 : fine

Australia is the supplier of raw materials and food. According to the lesson from a severe economic stagnation in 1970’s occurred by the oil shock Australia has resolutely carried out the radical structural improvement. After 30-year attempt the GDP, the income, and the asset of a citizen are the highest in the world. Since the export is in good form, the national finance is black and the national debt is zero. The domestic demand is high as the national living level is quite high. Most personal surplus flows into stock and real estate but deposit. The rate is pretty higher than that of other developed countries. OZs learn how to invest in their compulsory education and participate in nation building and economic developing positively.

Super Cab

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