豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-09-21 23:20:28 | トリニティー・ビーチ





Yield to car on road in Australia
Sun. September 21 : fine

This is a sign on Esplanade. Australia is not the country that believes sentimentalism but drastic rationalism. A toilet is a toilet, neither a rest room nor a powder room as they call it in the US. OZs use the decimal metric system. There are unisex toilets that go on the left for 450m and single-gender toilets go on the right for 300m. They all have the shower room so the swimmers can get changed there. No-S means no stopping. “Pedestrians give way to traffic” means it is the car-priority society. The electric cable is wired underground in the cities but they have the power poles in the rural area. The power pole is made of wood but concrete.

car-prior society

emotionalism politics in Japan and USA

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