豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-09-25 22:16:24 | 政治・経済

小泉元首相が引退。引き際が鮮やかと思ったら、二男を後継候補に立てるのだとか。麻生新内閣も18閣僚のうち13人が世襲議員。家業(稼業)は国会議員、税金ごっつあんです。一方米国のブッシュさんは不良債権を70兆円買い取るという日本のバブル崩壊後と同様の政策。つまり税金を投入して金融機関を救済。財政出動するなら優先株の形で資本注入するのが正論でしょう?(photo by 時事通信)



Rip off tax even under recession
Thu. September 25 : fine

Ex-prime minister, Mr Koizumi has been retired. He seemed to know when to quit, however, he probably didn’t. He will settle his second son as his successor. 13 of those 18 ministers in Mr. Aso’s new cabinet are descendent representatives. Their family business is becoming the parliamentarians. Yum-yum tax! On the other hand, in the US Mr. Bush will buy $70,000,000,000 bad debt, introducing the same policy as Japanese government after the bubble era. In other words he will save the banking facilities by inputting tax money. I think if he wanted to take some fiscal action, he should choose to use preference shares to infuse capital. (photo by Jiji Corespondent)

Bush Junior
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