□ CERN: Over the entire range of energy LHC had explored, Higgs boson is excluded as a possibility with a 95% probability
>> http://bit.ly/qJwwou [scientific american]
A Higgs Setback: Did Stephen Hawking Just Win the Most Outrageous Bet in Physics History?
These assessments carry a probability measure, such as 95%, 99%, or?as traditionally required in particle physics for a “definitive” conclusion about the existence of a new particle: 99.99997% (this is the infamous “five-sigma” requirement).
there is still a 5% chance that the Higgs is hiding somewhere within this energy range. And, more importantly, the lower energy range from 114 to just under 145 billion electron volts, a region of energy that Fermilab has determined, through earlier experiments, may harbor the Higgs, has not been ruled out. But the Higgs is quickly running out of places to hide.
>> lens,align.: Fermilab experiments constrain Higgs mass.
テバトロンの5倍の出力を備えるLHCは、とりわけ高質量の場合のヒッグス粒子の観測に特化しており、低エネルギーの粒子はトレースできない可能性が高いのです。素粒子のエネルギーは当然その質量に比例するので、仮にヒッグス粒子のエネルギーが185 GeV(ギガ電子ボルト)以下であった場合(当実験からの予想では160Gev未満とされる)、ヒッグス粒子が存在したとしても見逃してしまうか、或は存在しなかったことにすらなってしまうかもしれない
この記事を書いたのが2年半も前、当時既に、LHCの稼働前からHiggs Bosonの存在を疑問視する声が高まり出したように思う。
□ The Higgs will be open access (CERN) | Jon Butterworth | Life & Physics gu.com/p/3xtmt/tw
CERN is very active in promoting open access publishing. Unfortunately one plank of this is archiving everything on the CERN Document Server, which is about the most unsearchable archive I have ever come across. But it doesn't matter, because the papers are all on arXiv too; and the principle is sound. I have been closely involved in about 30 papers from ATLAS over the past year, all published as open access.
□ Japanese Organization NICT hosting the International Programme Office for ICSU (Internatinal Counsil for Science) World Data System. the 1st conf opens
>> http://wds-kyoto-2011.org/index.html
The office will manage and coordinate the establishment and operations of the World Data System, and take responsibility for outreach and promotional activities. The IPO will act under the guidance of the ICSU World Data System Scientific Committee.
全世界的な科学データシステムの構築に向けて ~ 国際科学会議(ICSU)の世界で唯一の国際プログラム事務局として選定
独立行政法人情報通信研究機構(以下「NICT」、理事長:宮原秀夫)は、各国科学アカデミー等の取りまとめ組織である国際科学会議(ICSU)において、「世界科学データシステム」構築のための国際プログラム事務局 として、世界で唯一選定されました。また、NICT は、同事務局の業務に関する覚書を国際科学会議と締結しました。
この「世界科学データシステム」には、全世界から約100 箇所の研究機関が参画予定であり、これまで難しかった「全世界での科学データの検索」や、地震と電離層変動との関係の分析といった「分野を超える幅広い科学データ間での分析」を可能とするなど、科学分析の手法に大きな変革をもたらすことが期待されています。
NICT は、電磁波計測データの提供や情報通信技術の研究開発などを通じて、「世界科学データシステム」の構築に協力していく予定です。
NICT では、平成22 年度補正予算で構築中のクラウド基盤(サイエンスクラウド)の活用、電磁波計測データの提供、メタデータの共有・収集・連携技術、データの共有・管理技術等の研究開発を行うとともに、日本学術会議や 旧WDC関係研究機関 等と連携し、世界科学データシステムの構成要件の検討、システム設計などに協力していく予定です。
関連して、国際科学会議 (ICSU)の次期会長に選出されていた台湾の李遠哲さん(Yuan T. Lee)も30日の就任前に演説を行ったそうです。日本と足並みを揃えていけそうかな。 http://bit.ly/qudRdB (新浪台灣)
((Color) Regions and colors in the Lyapunov diagrams of system (2), showing periodic regions (in black) immersed in a chaotic region (in yellowish and reddish). (a) (α, β) with γ?=?0.32. (b) (α, γ) with β?=?50. (c) (β, γ) with α?=?30.)
□ Lyapunov exponent diagrams of a 4-dimensional Chua system
>> http://ow.ly/69FJ6
The shrimp-shaped periodic structures appear to be malformed on some of Lyapunov exponent diagrams, and they present two different bifurcation scenarios to chaos when passing the boundaries of itself, namely via period-doubling and crisis. Hyperchaos-chaos transition can also be observed on the Lyapunov exponent diagrams for the second largest exponent.
□ PLoSCompBiol:
Are There Laws of Genome Evolution? Join the discussion dx.plos.org/10.1371/journa…
ゲノム進化を統計物理的な数理モデルで記述することは可能か。定性進化か、あるいは普遍な創発性か。生物学的ネットワークのノード次数分布、進化速度の対数正規分布など (再掲)
The universals of genome evolution can be accounted for by simple mathematical models similar to those used in statistical physics, such as the birth-death-innovation model. These models do not explicitly incorporate selection; therefore, the observed universal regularities do not appear to be shaped by selection but rather are emergent properties of gene ensembles.
Although a complete physical theory of evolutionary biology is inconceivable, the universals of genome evolution might qualify as “laws of evolutionary genomics” in the same sense “law” is understood in modern physics.
□ Dark Matter Is an Illusion, New Antigravity Theory Says: 暗黒物質は『幻』?反重力の新理論から
>> http://on.natgeo.com/n3M7Me
Boiling sea of particles in space may create repulsive gravity.
The mysterious substance known as dark matter may actually be an illusion created by gravitational interactions between short-lived particles of matter and antimatter, a new study says.
In the new study, physicist Dragan Hajdukovic at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland proposes an alternative explanation, based on something he calls the "gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum."
When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate in a flash of energy. The virtual particles spontaneously created in the quantum vacuum appear and then disappear so quickly that they can't be directly observed.
In his new mathematical model, Hajdukovic investigates what would happen if virtual matter and virtual antimatter were not only electrical opposites but also gravitational opposites?an idea some physicists previously proposed.
>> http://www.cell.com/cell_picture_show-cellmotility
□ A human HaCat keratinocyte responds to epidermal growth factor by rapidly forming a lamellipod around most of its perimeter.
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□ Kevin Slavin: how algorithms shape and control our world:
>> is.gd/tssd4t + is.gd/OXN4rE
Kevin Slavin argues that we're living in a world designed for -- and increasingly controlled by -- algorithms. In this riveting talk from TEDGlobal, he shows how these complex computer programs determine: espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. And he warns that we are writing code we can't understand, with implications we can't control.
[TED] アルゴリズムが世界を支配する時 価格設定コード/金融取引/映画市場/建築/検索エンジン/ 浸透するプログラムの複雑性を決定し、コントロールするということ
□ The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals
>> http://htn.to/riFNrd
□ FQXi: FQXi会議における『時間』についての議論
Live streaming of Time meeting panel w/ physicist, neuroscientist, comscientist & philosopher
>> http://bit.ly/nBx2AE
>> http://www.fqxi.org/
□ plusmathsorg:
Read our articles on the nature of time bit.ly/mRKoWZ and then watch live discussion from our partners @FQXi ustre.am/CB0U
□ FQXi: 物理学と進化生物学の狭間
Craig Callender speaking about time's arrow. More his connections between physics & evolutionary biology: http://bit.ly/rtNCOF
□ FQXiコミュニティで、哲学者ヒュー・プライスがバートランド・ラッセル協会賞を受賞 RT @FQXi: MT @deanrickles Huw Price honored by Bertrand Russell Society at the @FQXi conference
□ gmusser:
Neuroscientists on #fqxicruise say we envision the future using the same parts of the brain with which we remember the past.
□ JenLucPiquant:
Fascinating talk by "refugee physicist" Raissa D'Souza on complexity, emergent systems and the link to phase transitions. #FQXI #Copenhagen
D'Souza: eg, if population and economy grow at different exponential rates, mismatch introduces large oscillations/collapse (2/2)
□ my tweet log storage.
□ razoralign:
MT @rnomics: Dark matter of the genome - GWAS, genomics, genetics, evolution, Epigenetics goo.gl/sYwyt, see more goo.gl/jwt9C
□ Liked: Naming and Diagonalization, from Cantor to Gödel to Kleene:
>> http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/5/709.abstract
Many-sorted naming systems are suggested as a natural approach to general computatability with many data types over arbitrary structures. The first part of the paper is a historical reconstruction of the way Gödel probably derived his proof from Cantor's diagonalization, through the semantic version of Richard. The incompleteness proof?including the fixed point construction?result from a natural line of thought, thereby dispelling the appearance of a “magic trick”.
from Highly downloaded articles from Logic Journal of the IGPL now free http://oxford.ly/oaGfvb #math #maths #logic
□ OxfordJNLsJapan: 非定常再生過程モデル( non-homogeneous renewal)を使用した、地球上の未発見生物種数の推定。
【生物学】Systematic Biology誌より:世界の生物種の数を予測 oxford.ly/ozP900
Predicting total global species richness using rates of species description and estimates of taxonomic effort
Using a non-homogeneous renewal process model we predicted that 24-31% to 21-29% more marine and terrestrial species remain to be discovered respectively.
□ EpgntxEinstein: Einstein Epigenomics
ENCODE funding - The NIH’s ENCODE program is to be continued and expanded... tumblr.com/x644jauthy
□ Hypios:
Hypios will present its key technologies and findings at I-Semantics 2011 in Graz (Austria) this thursday. fb.me/17b6sjOiH
With more than 400 participants every year I-SEMANTICS is one of the largest conferences in Europe in the field of semantic systems and the Semantic Web. It is held concurrently with the I-KNOW Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies. The combination represents a unique approach bridging the gap between highly affiliated communities and complementary research fields.
□ semwebcompany:
PoolParty 3.0 and its all new Linked Data framework bit.ly/o1TTww #linkeddata
□ BioMedCentral:
Reading: Who owns the semantic web?New standard for #webpage data is good & bad news http://ow.ly/6mjEz
□ Turning Learning into Numbers ? A Learning Analytics Framework (i-know) http://i-know.tugraz.at/i-science/rdsrp slideshare >> http://www.slideshare.net/Drachsler/turning-learning-into-numbers-a-learning-analytics-framework
□ fungalgenomes:
Diversification of genes for carotenoid biosynthesis in aphids following an ancient transfer from a fungus. 1.usa.gov/pr69BL
□ Gene-Z: iPod & Androidベースの遺伝子解析キット。太陽光発電も可能。
□ Gene-Z: Ipod Touch & Android Based Tablet Performs Genetic Analysis on microRNAs and can be charged using solar energy >> medgadget.com/2011/08/gene-z-ipod-based…
□ ogishima:
Blog: "BioHackathon 2011" - Ogishima Blog sysbioevo.org/ogishima/blog/…
これまでLinked Dataは、オープンなLinked Dataとして外部公開を目的にするコンテキストでそのメリット・デメリット、コストが語られてきた。外部公開を目的としたLinked Dataではなく、それぞれのユーザが個別のプロジェクトのデータへの Linked Dataの利用は、データ管理やデータ統合のコストを下げることに貢献し、さらにメタデータの利用により徹底的なデータ解析やデータ可視化に貢献する可能性をもっている。
□ galaxyproject:
"The real cost of sequencing: higher than you think!" 1.usa.gov/o1vG4c. on the high cost of "knowledge generation" #usegalaxy
□ BioMedCentral:
#BMCBioinformatics has published the abstracts from the 10th Annual UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2011 http://ow.ly/6hugF
□ PHGFoundation:
Genetics advances prompt update on consent and disclosure bit.ly/nNkvTi
□ rnomics:
Quantitative analysis of 5HT2C receptor RNA editing patterns in psychiatric disorders: Initially... bit.ly/net07X
□ EricTopol:
A panel discussion with very divergent views on DTC genetic testing bit.ly/nybIBK
□ NatureJapan: 東大が『人工細胞』作製 自ら分裂、DNAも複製 nature.asia/pesh5i
Self-reproduction of supramolecular giant vesicles combined with the amplification of encapsulated DNA
>> nature.asia/pesh5i
Here, we demonstrate the amplification of DNA (encapsulated guest) within a self-reproducible cationic giant vesicle (host). With the addition of a vesicular membrane precursor, we observe the growth and spontaneous division of the giant vesicles, accompanied by distribution of the DNA to the daughter giant vesicles.
□ NatureJapan: 絶滅危惧種からiPS細胞=将来の繁殖へ初作製-サイとサル類・米研究所 nature.asia/onngtj
Induced pluripotent stem cells from highly endangered species nature.asia/oQkAhy
For some highly endangered species there are too few reproductively capable animals to maintain adequate genetic diversity, and extraordinary measures are necessary to prevent extinction. We report generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from two endangered species: a primate, the drill, Mandrillus leucophaeus and the nearly extinct northern white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum cottoni. iPSCs may eventually facilitate reintroduction of genetic material into breeding populations.
□ the_Node:
Making a rhino from 1 cell - cool (future) use of iPS? RT @NatureNews: Could stem cells rescue an endangered species? goo.gl/fb/h2d7N
□ benoitbruneau:
In one fell swoop, decades of embryological debates about digit identity are set aside. I love genomics! go.nature.com/oBiemD
□ rnomics:
Top story: Beyond the Genome 2011 - Program goo.gl/AUwDR, see more goo.gl/jwt9C
□ drbonohu: The Bioinformatics Roadshow
Resume the session. Now Data mining with Biomart ustream.tv/channel/ajacs
□ BioMedCentral:
Wing Secrets That Help Insects Rule the World - collection of #images of the #insect wing world http://ow.ly/6mvSa @BiologyImageLibrary
□ BioMedCentral:
Reading: Science to the rescue ? animal navigation,human #libraries & global #openaccess. The latest from @GulliverTurtle http://ow.ly/6mwic
□ DailyNewsGW:
Eppendorf Licenses Thermal Cycler IP to Bulldog Bio: read more bit.ly/mYmAaw
□ plosc_disasters:
What are the gaps in evidence needed to respond to humanitarian crisis in Libya: tweet questions to @plosc_disasters #Libya #Tripoli
□ BioMedCentral:
New Report: Mermaid Syndrome in a Nigerian triplet. http://ow.ly/6jy1s #medicine
□ AIP_Publishing:
Dominant structural motifs of NO-?(H2O)n complexes: Infrared spectroscopic and ab initio studies #AIP_JCP http://ow.ly/6gIZI
□ NSF: National Science Fdn
slinky cilia get wavy on camera: http://ow.ly/6gWIA
□ Dev_journal:
Cell cycle arrest, mediated by BMP signalling, triggers rotation of cilia on node cells in mouse embryo. bit.ly/p49U2N
□ 3DBiomatrix:
3D Biomatrix launches new website and blog! bit.ly/qmgXCc
□ MicroConstants:
Hashtags: Helping Life Scientists Communicate With Social Media bit.ly/oIDt8D (via @Comprendia)
□ SETIInstitute:
“Suitcase” Nuclear Reactors to Power Mars Colonies? cot.ag/qvJ2fD
Nuclear power is an emotive subject -- particularly in the wake of the Fukushima power plant disaster after Japan's March earthquake and tsunami -- but in space, it may be an essential component of spreading mankind beyond terrestrial shores.
□ lemondefr: Le Monde
Le projet ITER retardé par les conséquences du séisme au Japon lemde.fr/oAjTub
□ prodefi: 福島原発事故を受けた、ITER国際プロジェクトの延期
ITER kennen lernen: Nuklearfusion in Südfrankreich, ein internationales Projekt verspätet sich nach Fukushima iter.org
□ rnomics:
Barcoding bias in high-throughput multiplex sequencing of miRNA: Second-generation sequencing is... bit.ly/oNBor8 #lifesciences
□ TIPS_news:
Don't miss this great profile of TiPS Ed. Board member Brian Kobilka and his breakthrough B2AR/G-protein complex ow.ly/6j1a6
□ MammaryCell:
Top Story: Epigenetic Regulation of Normal Human Mammary Cell Type Specific miRNAs http://ow.ly/6jcz2 @genomeresearch
□ GigaScience:
Now up in the wiki breakout is @EvoMRI. Great wikimedia is introducing #OA tags, and developing an #OA policy. meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:… #solo11
□ _inundata:
Notes from Michael Nielson's Keynote on Open Science. partiallyattended.com/2011/09/02/sol… #solo11 #openscience
□ kozo2:
sbmlharvester-Creates an OWL representation of SBML models using a combination of MIRIAM annotations and SBML structure bit.ly/oLfL4X
□ EurekAlertAAAS:
Stressed dad = depressed children? Investigating the paternal transmission of stress : eurekalert.org/e/44vg
□ EurekAlertAAAS:
#Insomnia costing US workforce $63.2 billion a year in lost productivity, study shows : eurekalert.org/e/44fm
□ EurekAlertAAAS:
Sex hormones impact career choices : eurekalert.org/e/44ys
□ EurekAlertAAAS:
Songs about sex ? how they affect kids : eurekalert.org/e/4558
□ OxfordJNLsJapan:【経済学】情報社会において社会におけるクラスタが本当に問題になるのか
>> oxford.ly/qGlNyh
Do clusters really matter for innovation practices in Information Technology? Questioning the significance of technological knowledge spillovers
□ OxfordJNLsJapan:
【宗教】特集号:イスラム教と「正義の戦い」の伝統 2011年末まで無料アクセスいただけます。
>> oxford.ly/qarhu8
□ razoralign: Antisense.
□ 媒体如何に関わらず、ネットやメディアで共有されている人々の問題意識が、表面化している事象にのみ向けられていると無自覚に判断してしまう人々がいる。上澄みを掬っただけで、社会や人間を評価・批判してしまう煽り論調は実に多い。
□ tri_iro:
定理を証明するのに強超超免疫(strongly hyperhyperimmune)を初めて利用した。超免疫は超便利なので高頻度で使うけど、強超超免疫は使い所が難しい。あと、強超超免疫はネーミングに妥協が見られるのでよろしくない。そこは「超超超免疫」と名づけるべきではなかったのか。
@aleo724 集合列に対するある種の耐性に関する概念なんですが、「超」は集合列の一様性の条件を強める感じで、「強」が付くと個々の集合が有限から無限に変わる感じです。でも、これ以上「超」や「強」が付いた場合にどうなるのかは謎です。
□ tonets:
. @rinabou_k @ttsudu 温度差w μsec計算が当たり前になっているこの時代だからこそ,シミュレーションの目的意識が極めて重要になるんだろうなぁとdisorderのfolding見て思いました. #生物物理夏学 #bpwakate
□ d_kihara:
明日(火曜日)、3時から、理研(横浜)で、最近我々の開発した、タンパク質に結合するリガンド分子の予測法について話します。結合ポケット部位の表面の性質、構造の比較を、3D Zernike Descriptorという3次元構造の級数展開を用いて高速に行います。
□ music.
□ InTechWeb:
Remix Theory: Notes on Everything is a #Remix, Part 1, 2, and 3 http://ow.ly/6lso4 #culture #technology
□ MrPrudence:
Iannis Xenakis - Paul Farrington. Abstract graphic score projection interpreted by Nicholas Kok & Psappha bit.ly/mPW0Rh
□ RichardDevine:
Autechre ready 5.1 surround DVD with The Hafler Trio.: bit.ly/pTvLtx
□ reaktorlovers:
Reaktor 5.6.1 update now online - bit.ly/ruMQSL #reaktor
□ Outheremusic:
Ricercar & Capilla Flamenca - Gramophone Awards: The CD of Capilla Flamenca devoted to the works of Alexander Agricola (Ricercar - RIC 306), is one of the three finalists shortlisted for the Early Music Award in the Gramophone Awards 2011! goo.gl/fb/RRUW2
昨年ブログでも紹介したCapilla Flamencaの録音「アグリコラ:Missa In Myne Zyn」が、2011年度グラモフォン・アワード・古楽賞の最終選考に至ったそうです。本当にミステリアスで美しい作品。お薦め出来ます
□ Get a taste of Amandine Beyer’s first solo album!
>> http://www.outhere-music.com/news.php?CID=2226
Amandine Beyer is one of the greatest baroque violinists of her generation. She made a name for herself revisiting great classics such as "The four seasons" of Vivaldi and the "Violin concerti" of Bach. Her first solo album, "Sonates and Partitas" of Bach (ZZT 110902) is due for release late in September. Here is a taste of things to come...
Amandine Beyerの1stソロアルバムがリリース。
>> lens,align.: Johann Rosenmüller / Gli Incogniti | Amandine Beyer ...
□ hm_inter: harmonia_mundi
Check out our new video introducing Manuel de Falla: Noches en los jardines de Espana by Javier Perianes:... fb.me/HzG5VcbZ
□ Oceano__:
Deep Forest - Deep Africa- STAY TUNED! - preview the new opening track "Amber" and see the new website! deep-forest.fr